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The Republic of the Free People was formed after the evacuation of Earth after the Cataclysm. Although many of the former sovereign nations of Earth attempted to coherently reform off world, all of them dissolved in the chaos of the aftermath. The Republic was created by an amalgamation of various sovereign states, initially starting as a temporary coalition between said states, much like every other off world coalition. The Republic itself was formed primarily by the states of Indonesia, India, The Phillipines, and Pakistan.
During the beginning of the Republic's formation, ideological differences between the constituent states threatened to destroy it. Such an alliance could only be held together by the Cataclysm, by the threat of extinction of the entire human race. As millions of people were evacuated from Earth during the Cataclysm, the differences eventually melted away, and the decades after would see these differences fade entirely.
The primary population of the Republic was fed by the extremely low cost of the Indian and Pakistani skyhooks launching people into LEO (Low Earth Orbit) inside of what amounted to human sized sardine cans. Ultimately, this method of ferrying people off world was cheaper than any other technique by nearly one order of magnitude, and huge amounts of citizens all over the world flocked to Indonesia to get a chance to escape Earth.
As the years went by, and the chaos of evacuating an entire species off of a planet subsided, the coalitions discovered that they were far more coherent as governing bodies than their constituent nation states, and that they often consisted more of people from differing nation states than of people from the original nations. As a result, the coalitions remained in place, and have, more or less, over the years, as humanity has spread from LEO and Luna to the rest of the solar system.
The Republic itself is headquartered on Mars, and has hundreds of settlements across the asteroid belt. Other major claims include Luna, and a number of moons of Uranus. Additionally, they are the faction closest to old Earth, being the defacto "owner" of LEO. Unlike most of the other factions, the Republic has very little influence in the outer planets, where most of the other factions have settled, constantly fighting over the resource-rich moons of the four gas giants.

IP属地:新加坡1楼2017-11-11 15:56回复
    The USTA, or United Sol Trade Alliance, is a coalition that formed during the Cataclysm. It was originally formed between the old Earth conglomerate states, the North Eurasian Socialist Republic (NESR), and the East Asian Megastate (EAM). The NESR was one of the largest superpowers in the world, having risen to power from the ashes of the USSR nearly a hundred years before it, ready to start a second Cold War with the EAM.
    For such an alliance to arise between these factions was quite surprising, given their opposing roles in bringing about the Cataclysm, leading to rampant speculation and conspiracy theories.
    The most fanciful of such theories being that the Cataclysm and the subsequent evacuation of Earth was entirely planned, as a way to force the human race out of their paradise prison, to force humanity to become stronger, more resilient, and now capable of resisting astronomical extinction.
    Another more likely possibility includes the fact that the extremely nationalistic memebers of all these factions likely died out following the Cataclysm. Most of what remained perhaps saw the terrible folly of this disaster and vowed to never let it happen again. And thus, bitter enemies bent on annihilating each other were now close allies, ready to turn a new page in human history.
    Regardless of how such an alliance could form, those nations were soon joined by many more nations eager to evacuate, and the burgeoning USTA soon become much more than its original founding nations, and soon the only identity that remained was the alliance.
    The USTA was the first faction to evacuate straight to the outer solar system. While the Republic of Free People was dumping their people on Luna, Mars, and the asteroid belt, the USTA was taking years and years to dump their people on the moons of Jupiter and Saturn, sometimes keeping refugees stuck inside their colony ships for years. Other factions soon followed their lead, rushing for the resource rich fields of ice and methane of Uranus and Neptune.
    Over the course of hundreds of years, the USTA has held an aggressive colonization and resource eploitation policy, strip mining all the asteroids and moons it can, and then dumping colonists to the furthest reaches of the solar system, as far out as Eris and Haumea. Despite their utter worthless strategic nature, the Kuiper Belt belongs completely to the USTA, as no other faction has been foolish enough to exploit such bodies. In addition, their reach extends as far inward as several orbital stations around Mercury, and enjoys an omnipresence across the entire asteroid belt.
    To this day, they remain the largest faction in the Solar System by GDP, and celestial claims.

    IP属地:新加坡2楼2017-11-11 16:01
      The appearance of the Iroquois Resurgence faction was a surprise to all of the human race. Roughly eighty years after the Cataclysm, after most of the factions had settled down across the solar system, the Iroquois Resurgence suddenly announced their existence, a recent offshoot of the USTA, declaring independence from their parent faction. At the point of secession, they had control of several moons of Neptune, and a few asteroids in the belt.
      The USTA responded with threats of destruction immediately (as soon as light could carry their message, at least), but at the time, no one had invested in a space miltiary hardware. The IR-USTA war was the first all war set entirely in space, and it set the stage for all future space warfare. The USTA, using their combined experience of hundreds of years of naval, air, and ground battles, rapidly discovered that nearly everything they were used to was completely obsolete. Specifically, the logistics of maintaining a space war were several orders of magnitude more difficult to manage than ground wars. The first war was punctuated by warships getting their propellant tanks punctured, their ships stranded, out of delta-v, aluminum tombs in orbit across the solar system, and the very rare combat engagement.
      In the end, the USTA gave up their war, and instead have devoted the following years to simple trade sanctions as retaliation. To this day, the Iroquois Resurgence remains a small but significant faction, owning various small moons and asteroids across the entire solar system.

      IP属地:新加坡4楼2017-11-11 16:03
        The Liberty Exchange is a loose confederation of independent moons and asteroids dedicated towards maintaining a free and neutral trade alliance. Unlike the United Sol Trade Alliance (USTA), which is an entity formed out of political ties rather than economic ties, the Liberty Exchange are actually a trade alliance.
        It is composed of hundreds of major and minor corporations. The Liberty Exchange have been around for a long time as a loose collective of scattered firms, but have only recently considered themselves an official coalition.
        With an almost fanatical devotion to capitalism, and a profound indifference to military warfare, they have managed to stay neutral in every conflict since the Cataclysm. However, critics are quick to point out that they have had a crucial role in funding and supplying arms to any and all sides of every conflict indiscriminately. For the sake of capitalism, of course.
        Others have also observed that they try to avoid helping out one side too heavily in a bid to prolong conflicts. Conflicts which end too rapidly are not as profitable to them. They also have a pointed dislike of nuclear weapons, and have always voiced opposition against treaties that allow them to be used on terrestial bodies, likely because they end conflicts too quickly.
        Interestingly enough, they were the first faction to outright reject a centralized currency, opting to only recognize cryptocurrencies: only offshoots of old Earth's Bitcoins would be accepted as legal tender. Using their tremendous economic leverage, their early adoption of all of these cryptocurrencies forced out government-backed currencies from the solar markets.
        In keeping with their strong dislike of centralization, the Liberty Exchange has set up a sort of checks-and-balances between corporations, where the majority of member corporations will gradually weaken any other member corporation which grows too powerful. In this way, no single corporation has been able to achieve a monopoly on any market in the solar system, despite the lack of any central government oversight. It's an unstable equilibrium, where power is carefully shared between a smattering of corporations, but it has been in place for decades without failure.
        The Liberty Exchange tend to traffic in all possible commerce, though their primary focus is on construction of terrestial cities and space stations. Arguably, their eagerness to delve in all manner of commerce, or at least refuse to restrict any types of commerce, has led them to being the primary trafficker of slavery and prostitution in the solar system.
        'Here for the cash, not the cargo' is their motto, reflecting their so called capitalistic neutrality.
        Their presence is scattered across the entire solar system, occupying mostly small moons and asteroids, as well as jointly controlling many smaller 'neutral zones' on many of the larger moons and planets. They have no central headquarters, being a confederation of corporations, although their largest claim is the center of commerce of the Jovian system, Memphis Facula City, on Ganymede.

        IP属地:新加坡5楼2017-11-11 16:03
          Arguably the only faction to retain a single, national identity from Earth, Nippon Prime is the spacefaring evolution of the nation of Japan from Earth, and is the only faction to traces its formation to pre-Cataclysm history. Nippon Prime originally started as a right wing political party of pre-Cataclysm Japan, regularly calling for the militarization of the country, due to rising tensions with the UKPP (Unified Korean Peninsular Protectorate). The political party had substantial backing from the country's military industrial complex, it's robotics and cybernetics industries, and most of all, it's space industry.
          When the Cataclysm happened, Nippon Prime was already well established in the solar system, with small research colonies dotting the solar system, from the moons of Uranus to the moons of Saturn, to several asteroids. And when key members Japanese leadership, including the president, evacuated Earth, their rocket trying to catch the Japanese skyhook disintegrated after launch in one of the only accidental failures of Nippon Prime's nearly spotless record of perfect launches.
          The loss of key elements of the Japanese government vastly increased the political control Nippon Prime had. In the first democratic election after that disaster, Nippon Prime gained control of the presidency and a majority in the legislature. Over time, playing on fears of human extinction, promising strength and survival, Nippon Prime dissolved the democratic government and implemented a monarchy. They have maintained a strong presence across the solar system ever since.
          Nippon Prime has major claims in the Uranus system and the Saturn system, and holds close ties to the USTA, being the primary trading partner to the USTA. They hold a few claims in the inner solar system, but that presence is rather minor compared to other factions there. As the years have passed since the first space war between the USTA and the IR, Nippon Prime has engaged in numerous successful military campaigns across the solar system, slowly subsuming smaller factions either through threat of destruction or through destruction itself.
          They are led by the Eternal Empress Kinoshita Asami, who has apparently led Nippon Prime since it's days back on Earth, over 200 years ago. It is unclear whether Nippon Prime has developed a method of life extension that is vastly more effective than anything in existence on the market, or if Kinoshita has simply been cloned numerous times and a new Empress is unfrozen and grown to replace the old one every time the last one gets old or dies, or if the Empress is simply an extremely convincing android doppleganger created to replace the real Empress who would have died a long time ago.

          IP属地:新加坡6楼2017-11-11 16:18