Welcome, weary traveler. To the great cityof Yharnam. The troubles you must have seen. Your homeland, plagued by asickness that spares few. You suffer. Your loved ones suffer. It's like acurse. But there is hope for you yet. The blood used in ministration, the tradeof Yharnam, is a special thing indeed... The only thing that can cure yoursickness... Well then, let's draw you up a contract.
Oh, don't you worry. In a few moments,you'll be as good as new... Like it was all just a bad dream.
Welcome, traveler. You've suffered a longjourney to this great city of Yharnam. And you should be glad you did. Theblood used in ministration, the trade of Yharnam, is a special thing indeed...The only thing that can cure your sickness... Well then, let's draw you up acontract.
Aren't you lucky. This blood's ratherspecial. It may well cure you of your peculiar condition. Now, let's draw youup a contract.
Oh, don't you worry. You'll be as good asnew... Like it was all just a bad dream. ...Heh, heh, heheheh…...Heheheh... You'll be as good as new...
Like it was all just a bad dream. ...Heh, heh,heheheh... Yes, yes, see?
Woken up with something of a nightmare,have you? A foul, murky story, quite beyond my own reckoning. Won't that besomething to tell the grandkids, eh? ...Heh, heh, heheheh... Yes, yes, see?
...Heh, heh, heheheh... Oh, but I'venothing more to tell. I only show the way, and the way has been shown. Now...it's in your hands. Until the dank, sweet mud takes us all… Upon theawakening of Ebrietas... ...Heh, heh, heheheh... …
...Heheheh... Heh, eh heh… My deathmatters not... It's your nightmare, after all... Heh, eh heh, eh heh heh heh...