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【翻译】180206 郊狼与獾为何共同狩猎


Why coyotes and badgers hunt together
The two predators were recently photographed collaborating in Colorado, a fascinating example of interspecies teamwork.
Source: Why coyotes and badgers hunt together | MNN - Mother Nature Network

Author: RUSSELL MCLENDON (Twitter: @russmclendon)
November 25, 2016, 7:30 a.m.

Russell McLendon (Twitter: @russmclendon) writes about humans and other wildlife.
Copyright © 2018 NARRATIVE CONTENT GROUP. All rights reserved.
Translator & Proofreader: @deserthouse

IP属地:四川1楼2018-02-06 03:30回复

    A coyote and badger stalk prey together on the prairie surrounding the National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center in northern Colorado. 在环抱着国家黑足鼬保护中心的茫茫原野里,一只郊狼和獾在偷偷接近牠们的猎物。(摄影:Kimberly Fraser,美国鱼类及野生动物管理局)
    Competition and cooperation aren't mutually exclusive. Just ask a coyote or a badger.
    Both are crafty carnivores, and since they often hunt the same prey in the same prairies, it would make sense for them to be enemies, or at least to avoid each other. But while they don't always get along, coyotes and badgers also have an ancient arrangement that illustrates why it can be smart for rivals to work together.
    An example of that partnership recently unfolded on a prairie in northern Colorado (https://www.fws.gov/news/blog/index.cfm/2016/11/2/Spotted-A-Coyote-and-Badger), near the National Black-footed Ferret Conservation Center. And it was captured in photos, both by a wildlife camera trap and by sharp-eyed photographers:

    IP属地:四川2楼2018-02-06 03:37

      A field camera caught this amazing shot, which shows the coyote and badger trotting across the landscape with a prairie dog looking on in the foreground. 野外照相机拍摄到的这个令人惊奇的镜头展示了郊狼和獾一路小跑穿撞进了镜头前一只土拨鼠所眺望的景色中。(摄影:国家黑足鼬保护中心)

      The duo takes a break from pursuing prairie dogs. 这一对追逐土拨鼠后正在休息。(摄影:Kimberly Fraser,美国鱼类及野生动物管理局)

      (摄影:Kimberly Fraser,美国鱼类及野生动物管理局)

      The coyote and badger survey a black-tailed prairie dog colony near Wellington, Colorado. 在科罗拉多州的惠灵顿附近,这对郊狼和獾在审视一个黑尾土拨鼠种群。(摄影:Ryan Moehring,美国鱼类及野生动物管理局)
      While it's relatively rare to capture such good photos of a hunt like this, the phenomenon is well-documented. It was familiar to many Native Americans long before Europeans reached the continent, and scientists have studied it for decades. It has been reported across much of Canada, the United States and Mexico, according to Ecology Online (http://www.ecology.info/badger-coyote.htm), typically with one badger hunting alongside one coyote.
      虽然像这样拍到狩猎过程的好照片相当少见,这种现象还是有充分的证据支持的。在欧洲殖民者抵达美洲大陆之前,原住民早已对此习以为常;此外,科学家们也对此研究了数十年。在加拿大、美国和墨西哥,这种现象都有过报道。根据 Ecology Online 的说法(http://www.ecology.info/badger-coyote.htm),獾在郊狼一旁共同狩猎的情景十分典型。
      (In one study (https://www.jstor.org/stable/1382201?seq=1#page_scan_tab_contents) at the National Elk Refuge in Wyoming, 90 percent of all coyote-badger hunts featured one of each animal, while about 9 percent involved one badger with two coyotes. Just 1 percent saw a lone badger join a coyote trio.)
      But why would these predators work together at all? When one of them finally catches something, they aren't known to share the spoils. So what's the point?

      IP属地:四川3楼2018-02-06 03:37

        Working together helps each species pursue prey more effectively. 合作能够帮助两种物种更有效率地追赶猎物。(摄影:Kimberly Fraser,美国鱼类及野生动物管理局)
        The point, apparently, is to improve the likelihood that at least one of the hunters will snag some prey. Even if that means the other one ends up empty-handed, the partnership seems to pay off for both species in the long run.
        Each member of the hunting party has a distinct set of skills. Coyotes are nimble and quick, so they excel at chasing prey across an open prairie. Badgers are slow and awkward runners by comparison, but they're better diggers than coyotes are, having evolved to pursue small animals in underground burrow systems. So when they hunt prairie dogs or ground squirrels on their own, badgers usually dig them up, while coyotes chase and pounce. The rodents therefore use different strategies depending which predator is after them: They often escape a digging badger by leaving their burrows to flee aboveground, and evade coyotes by running to their burrows.
        When badgers and coyotes work together, however, they combine these skills to hunt more effectively than either could alone. Coyotes chase prey on the surface, while badgers take the baton for subterranean pursuits. Only one may end up with a meal, but overall, research suggests the collaboration benefits both hunters.
        "Coyotes with badgers consumed prey at higher rates and had an expanded habitat base and lower locomotion costs," according to the authors of the National Elk Refuge study. "Badgers with coyotes spent more time below ground and active, and probably had decreased locomotion and excavation costs. Overall, prey vulnerability appeared to increase when both carnivores hunted in partnership."

        A coyote-badger duo at Valles Caldera National Preserve in New Mexico. 新墨西哥州的瓦莱斯火山口国家保护区的一对郊狼和獾。(摄影:Larry Lamsa/Flickr)
        Badgers and coyotes aren't always friendly, though. While the majority of their interactions "appear to be mutually beneficial or neutral," Ecology Online notes they do sometimes prey on each other. The two species have developed "a sort of open relationship," according to the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service (FWS), since they tend to collaborate in warmer months, then often drift apart as winter sets in.
        尽管如此,獾和郊狼并不总是友好的。虽然牠们的关系主要是“表现为在互惠互利或者袖手旁观”,Ecology Online 注意到有时牠们会互相捕食。这两种物种发展出了“一种开♂放♂式关系”。根据美国鱼类及野生动物管理局的研究,牠们趋向于在气候温暖的月份里合作,而在冬季到来时各奔东西。
        "In the winter, the badger can dig up hibernating prey as it sleeps in its burrow," the FWS explains (https://www.fws.gov/news/blog/index.cfm/2016/11/2/Spotted-A-Coyote-and-Badger). "It has no need for the fleet-footed coyote."
        “在冬天时,獾能够挖掘出在洞穴里冬眠的猎物,” 鱼类及野生动物管理局解释道(https://www.fws.gov/news/blog/index.cfm/2016/11/2/Spotted-A-Coyote-and-Badger),“牠不需要飞毛腿郊狼来帮忙。”
        Not at the time, anyway. But winter eventually turns to spring, and these two hunters may start to need each other again. And just as they have for thousands of years, they'll make peace, embrace their differences and get back to work.

        IP属地:四川4楼2018-02-06 03:37
          Russell McLendon (Twitter: @russmclendon) writes about humans and other wildlife.
          Copyright © 2018 NARRATIVE CONTENT GROUP. All rights reserved.
          Translator & Proofreader: @deserthouse

          IP属地:四川5楼2018-02-06 03:39

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