You may never know how I felt when I first saw you in [ CLUB NO.1 ].
You stood in the corner,smiling at me. I just didn't know whether it was real or just my fantasy.
Then you came at me and said hi.Suddenly I got a [ HEARTQUAKE ]. You never asked me [ WHY I LIKED U ],for we both knew what was said love at first sight.
You were always my [ ANGELA ], my [ SHINING STAR ] through the past days. We were so [ HAPPY TOGETHER ]. Then came one day,nothing was right anymore. Hard and sad you wrinkled your brows,told me that you were bored and tired and it was time to say goodbye.
I wanted to say [ SORRY SORRY ] just as before,but it was impossible to utter a word. My eyes were blurred with tears and the whole world collapsed. [ DEAD AT HEART ], I just stood still,counting the steps you took.
Now I am sitting in the darkness,wondering why we went apart. Maybe time was like a [ MONSTER ] and nibbled our love bit by bit. Time elapsed and love faded.
With grief and pain,I would rather press the [ RESET ] and the world returned to the day that everything was in sound sleep. [ LET'S NOT ] be born in the same world. [ LET'S NOT ] know each other till the lifetime ends.
[ WHAT IF ]we never met before!
也许你永远不知道我在NO.1俱乐部(CLUB NO.1)第一次见到你时是什么感觉。你站在角落里,冲我微笑着,我甚至分不清到底是现实还是梦境。就在那时你向我走来,对我说HI。我顿时有了心动(HEARTQUAKE)的感觉。
你从来没有问过我为什么喜欢你(WHY I LIKE U),因为我们都知道什么叫做一见钟情。
在过去的岁月里你一直是我的天使(ANGELA),我闪耀的明星(SHINING STAR)。我们曾那样的快乐(HAPPY TOGETHER)。然而有一天,一切都改变了。紧蹙着悲伤的眉头,你对我说你感到厌倦了,你累了,是时候说再见了。
我想像往常一样,对你说对不起(SORRY SORRY),可是我一个字也说不出来。泪水模糊了眼睛,我的世界坍塌了。心如死灰(DEAD AT HEART)的我,只能静静站着,数着你离去的脚步。
在悲伤和痛苦中徘徊,我只希望可以按下重置键(RESET),让世界回到最初万物沉睡的时候。我们再也不要(LET'S NOT)生活在一个世界,直到死去都不要相见。
如果(WHAT IF)我们从不曾遇见就好了!
You stood in the corner,smiling at me. I just didn't know whether it was real or just my fantasy.
Then you came at me and said hi.Suddenly I got a [ HEARTQUAKE ]. You never asked me [ WHY I LIKED U ],for we both knew what was said love at first sight.
You were always my [ ANGELA ], my [ SHINING STAR ] through the past days. We were so [ HAPPY TOGETHER ]. Then came one day,nothing was right anymore. Hard and sad you wrinkled your brows,told me that you were bored and tired and it was time to say goodbye.
I wanted to say [ SORRY SORRY ] just as before,but it was impossible to utter a word. My eyes were blurred with tears and the whole world collapsed. [ DEAD AT HEART ], I just stood still,counting the steps you took.
Now I am sitting in the darkness,wondering why we went apart. Maybe time was like a [ MONSTER ] and nibbled our love bit by bit. Time elapsed and love faded.
With grief and pain,I would rather press the [ RESET ] and the world returned to the day that everything was in sound sleep. [ LET'S NOT ] be born in the same world. [ LET'S NOT ] know each other till the lifetime ends.
[ WHAT IF ]we never met before!
也许你永远不知道我在NO.1俱乐部(CLUB NO.1)第一次见到你时是什么感觉。你站在角落里,冲我微笑着,我甚至分不清到底是现实还是梦境。就在那时你向我走来,对我说HI。我顿时有了心动(HEARTQUAKE)的感觉。
你从来没有问过我为什么喜欢你(WHY I LIKE U),因为我们都知道什么叫做一见钟情。
在过去的岁月里你一直是我的天使(ANGELA),我闪耀的明星(SHINING STAR)。我们曾那样的快乐(HAPPY TOGETHER)。然而有一天,一切都改变了。紧蹙着悲伤的眉头,你对我说你感到厌倦了,你累了,是时候说再见了。
我想像往常一样,对你说对不起(SORRY SORRY),可是我一个字也说不出来。泪水模糊了眼睛,我的世界坍塌了。心如死灰(DEAD AT HEART)的我,只能静静站着,数着你离去的脚步。
在悲伤和痛苦中徘徊,我只希望可以按下重置键(RESET),让世界回到最初万物沉睡的时候。我们再也不要(LET'S NOT)生活在一个世界,直到死去都不要相见。
如果(WHAT IF)我们从不曾遇见就好了!