阿月历险记吧 关注:598贴子:17,922




IP属地:四川1楼2009-05-01 19:30回复
    Slap Song 130 MP – Slap the enemy with the wind
    Level 2
    Sword Song 140 MP – Create a magic sword and use it on an enemy
    Firecracker Song 160 MP – Create a magic firecracker and use it on an enemy
    Missile Song 180 MP – Create a magic missile and use it on an enemy
    Loyalty Song 200 MP – Sing a song of loyalty and use it on the enemy party
    Strike Song 210 MP – Strike the enemy with the wind
    Level 3
    Battle Axe Song 220 MP – Create a magic battle axe and use it on an enemy
    Bomb Song 230 MP – Create a magic bomb and use it on an enemy
    Missile Storm Song 240 MP – Create magic missiles and use them on the enemy party
    Divinity Song 250 MP – Sing a song of divinity and use it on the enemy party
    Knockout Song 260 MP – Knockout an enemy with the wind
    Level 1
    Daydream Song 110 MP – Create a daydream and use it on an enemy
    Charm Song 130 MP – Charm an enemy
    Rainbow Song 140 MP – Call a rainbow and use it on an enemy
    Winter Song 160 MP – Hum the song of winter for the enemy party
    Fairy Song 180 MP – Call a fairy and use it on an enemy
    Level 2
    Illusion Song 200 MP – Create an illusion and use it on an enemy
    Love Song 210 MP – Make an enemy fall in love with you
    Nimbus Song 220 MP – Call a nimbus of light and use it on an enemy
    Sring Song 230 MP – Hum the song of spring for the enemy party
    Elemental Song 240 MP – Call an elemental and use it on the enemy party
    Level 3
    Nightmare Song 250 MP – Call a nightmare and use it on an enemy
    Bewitch Song 260 MP – Bewitch an enemy
    Aura Song 270 MP – Call an aura and use it on the enemy party
    Summer Song 280 MP – Hum the song of summer for the enemy party
    Fiend Song 290 MP – Call a fiend and use it on the enemy party
    Level 1
    Shadow Song 200 MP – Call shadows on the enemy party
    Whisper Song 210 MP – Whisper a song of deception and use it on an enemy
    Eerie Song 220 MP – Hum an eerie song and use it on an enemy
    Void Song 230 MP – Call the void and use it on an enemy
    Fog Song 240 MP – Call the fog and use it on an enemy
    Level 2 Darkness Song 250 MP – Call the darkness and use it on the enemy party
    Confusion Song 260 MP – Cackle a song of confusion and use it on an enemy
    Wild Hunt Song 270 MP – Call the song of the wild hunt and use it on the enemy party
    Trap Song 280 MP – Create a magical trap and use it on an enemy
    Haunted Fog Song 290 MP – Call the haunted fog and use it on an enemy
    Level 3 Eclipse Song 300 MP – Summon power from an eclipse and use it on an enemy
    Madness Song 310 MP – Hum a song of madness and use it on an enemy
    Werewolf Song 320 MP – Howl the song of the werewolf and use it on an enemy
    Gate Song 330 MP – Create a magical gate and use it on an enemy
    Death Fog Song 340 MP – Call the death fog and use it on the enemy party
    Level 1
    Starlight Song 100 MP – Conjure starlight and use it on the enemy party

    IP属地:四川4楼2009-05-01 19:36
      Moon Dust Song 110 MP – Conjure moon dust and use it on the enemy party
      Eternal Flame Song 110 MP – Conjure an eternal flame and use it on an enemy
      Twinkle Song 120 MP – Call a twinkling of light and use it on an enemy
      Silly Song 125 MP – Hum a silly song and use it on an enemy
      Level 2
      Moonlight Song 130 MP – Harness moonlight and use it on the enemy party
      Comet Song 135 MP – Conjure a comet and use it on an enemy
      Eternal Fire Song 140 MP – Conjure an eternal fire and use it on an enemy
      Sparkle Song 145 MP – Call a sparkling of light and use it on an enemy
      Enthrall Song 150 MP – Hum a song of enthrallment for the enemy party
      Level 3
      Sunlight Song 155 MP – Conjure sunlight and use it on the enemy party
      Meteor Shower Song 160 MP – Conjure a shower of meteorites and use it on the enemy
      Eternal Blaze Song 165 MP – Conjure an eternal blaze and use it on the enemy party
      Radiance Song 170 MP – Hum a song of radiance and use it on the enemy party
      Siren Song 175 MP – Sing the call of the siren and use it on an enemy
      加入方法:完成任务27后,和Thais Castle左边屋子左下的Nicolas交谈并在对话中选择Take Nicolas
      By level 18:
      Healing I 50 MP – Perform healing on one ally
      Healing II 90 MP – Perform major healing on one ally
      Revive 50 MP – Revive one ally
      Awake 20 MP – Cure sleepiness for one ally
      Cure 20 MP – Remove poison from one party member
      Silence 30 MP – Silence an enemy from casting magic spells
      Sleep 10 MP – Make an enemy fall to sleep
      Level 22: Healing Cloud 60 MP – Perform minor healing on all allies
      Level 24: Revive Major 120 MP – Revive a fallen hero and replenish some health
      Level 27: Revive Extora 50 MP – Revive one ally and restore some health
      Level 30: Bless 30 MP – Remove a curse from one party member
      Level 33: Lullaby 30 MP – Make all enemies fall to sleep
      Level 35: Healing Storm 110 MP – Perform healing on all allies
      Level 40: Revive Ultima 120 MP – Revive all allies and replenish some health
      Level 45: Healing Wave 130 MP – Perform major healing on all allies
      Level 50: Shield Extora 100 MP – Shield that protects all allies from magical attacks


      IP属地:四川5楼2009-05-01 19:36
        加入方法:完成任务27后,和Thais Castle左边屋子左下的Nicolas交谈并在对话中选择Take Nicolas
        By level 18:
        Healing I 50 MP – Perform healing on one ally
        Healing II 90 MP – Perform major healing on one ally
        Revive 50 MP – Revive one ally
        Awake 20 MP – Cure sleepiness for one ally
        Cure 20 MP – Remove poison from one party member
        Silence 30 MP – Silence an enemy from casting magic spells
        Sleep 10 MP – Make an enemy fall to sleep
        Level 22: Healing Cloud 60 MP – Perform minor healing on all allies
        Level 24: Revive Major 120 MP – Revive a fallen hero and replenish some health
        Level 27: Revive Extora 50 MP – Revive one ally and restore some health
        Level 30: Bless 30 MP – Remove a curse from one party member
        Level 33: Lullaby 30 MP – Make all enemies fall to sleep
        Level 35: Healing Storm 110 MP – Perform healing on all allies
        Level 40: Revive Ultima 120 MP – Revive all allies and replenish some health
        Level 45: Healing Wave 130 MP – Perform major healing on all allies
        Level 50: Shield Extora 100 MP – Shield that protects all allies from magical attacks
        加入方法:到Bogwood右下大屋子内和站在左边的Gavin交谈,并在对话中选择Take Gavin
        By level 19:
        Poison 20 MP – Poison an enemy
        Poison Cloud 40 MP – Poison all enemies
        Fire Flicker 20 MP – Conjure a small flicker of fire and use it against an enemy
        Cipher 20 MP – Cipher spirit and mana away from an enemy
        Level 26: Fury 30 MP – Make an enemy go berserk
        Level 30: Curse 40 MP – Curse an enemy
        Level 35: Infest 35 MP – Infest an enemy with weevils
        Level 44: Hex 60 MP – Put a hex on an enemy
        Level 50: Blizzard 150 MP – Conjure a blizzard and use against the enemy party
        Gavin和Nicolas由于分别是黑白魔法师,所以不能同时将二人带上,如果带着Gavin和Nicolas交谈并选择带Nicolas,Gavin就会回到Bogwood右下的大屋子内等候;如果带着Nicolas和Gavin交谈并选择带Gavin,Nicolas就会回到Thais Castle中左边房间的左下等候。


        IP属地:四川6楼2009-05-01 19:38

          IP属地:四川7楼2009-05-01 19:38
            Jack - 完成隐藏任务02(Jack太弱了,不过可以开启蓝色宝箱,开启红色宝箱的钥匙也在The Mists中的蓝色宝箱里,所以一定要带上Jack啊~)
            Ava One Eye - 完成任务35
            Rye - 完成任务12
            Emma - 到Candar左上大屋子内和Emma交谈并在对话中选择Pay for Emma's Schooling(需要付500钱),完成任务35后,再去Thais Castle内右面的房间和Emma交谈并在对话中选择Take Emma


            IP属地:四川8楼2009-05-01 19:39

              IP属地:四川9楼2009-05-01 19:39

                IP属地:四川10楼2009-05-01 19:40

                  IP属地:四川11楼2009-05-01 19:40
                    Item --- 物品列表
                    Skills --- 队伍中每位角色的魔法或招式
                    Equip --- 队伍中每位角色的装备
                    Party --- 整个队伍叫Party,当队伍人数大于4后可以选择谁上谁不上。
                    Leader --- 整个队伍行进时只显示一个人走,这选的就是哪个人走。
                    Journal --- 任务记录
                    Profiles --- 人物档案
                    Options --- 游戏选项
                    Help --- 帮助文档
                    Quit --- 退出
                    Load --- 读盘
                    Save --- 存盘
                    需要注意的是,和1代相同,游戏中依然是最多能容纳8个人,但是每次能上场战斗的就只有4人,并且不上场的没有经验,新加入的角色初始级别和当前上场的人物平均级别有关(不是一样,是有关,比如可能是+2也可能是-1 -_-!)。
                    Karma --- 人品(-_-!!),当Karma达到10或以上后,可以去Brightwood Forest右上取得Iya用的Phoenix Sphere
                    1到10.访问“Elfwood、Ravenwood、Ryva、Shaenlir、Thais、Seri、Candar、Verashema、Eredar、Happily Ever After”10个城镇中的雕像并选择Make Donation
                    attractions --- 吸引力,当吸引力达到5并打败最终BOSS后,Ean和Iya在Candar城中的Wedding Chapel中结婚
                    1.买了农场后,去Candar城门入口处屋子内和Renna交谈,并最对话中选择Take a Kitten for Iya
                    5.在Candar中央有个女的叫Selena和她交谈并在对话中选择Buy Ring(需要付600钱)

                    IP属地:四川12楼2009-05-01 19:43
                      隐藏任务01-Save Rasmen from the thugs in Seri(从Seri的痞子手中拯救Rasmen)
                      完成方法:在对话中选择Pay Debt(需要付170钱)
                      奖励:无。但是和Rasmen对话可以获得Magic Beans
                      隐藏任务02-Save Jack from jail in Thais(从Thais监狱中拯救Rasmen)
                      获取方法:完成任务13后,去Thais的监狱和Jack交谈并选择Take Jack
                      完成方法:和左边的牢头交谈并在对话中选择Pay Bribe(需要付200钱)
                      获取方法:Emma加入队伍后,去Seri Palace里的竞技房间,在左边查看一下桌子上的纸条,并在对话过程中选择Enroll in tournament
                      奖励:第一次战斗胜利获得Yellow Band;第二次战斗胜利获得Red Band和新衣服;第三次战斗胜利获得Blue Band;第四次获得Green Band和新衣服;第五次获得Gold Band和Swordmaster Title和新衣服
                      完成方法:去Happily Ever After,和站在旅馆门前的Gwendolyn交谈并在对话中选择Buy Spell
                      奖励:1 attraction
                      有了龙以后,去Grimm's Farm中间的屋子内和Gisselle交谈并在对话中选择Buy Farm(需要付3000钱)。农场中可以养的动物如下:
                      1.Kitten --- 城门入口处屋子内和Renna交谈,并最对话中选择Take a Kitten for Iya
                      2.Cow --- 在Ryva左下可以购买到
                      3.Chickens --- 在Ryva左下可以购买到
                      4.Goat --- 在Happily Ever After右面有Sidella和一只羊,完成隐藏任务01并得到Magic Beans后与Sidella交谈,并在对话中选择Buy Goat
                      5.Salamander --- 完成任务34后,游戏时间再过45后,回去和Sabriyya交谈并在对话中选择Sure
                      6.Evil Ox --- 在Two Moons Plains右上和人交谈并在对话中选择Buy Ox

                      IP属地:四川13楼2009-05-01 19:44

                        IP属地:四川14楼2009-05-01 19:45

                          IP属地:上海15楼2009-05-01 21:21
                            第二部没有第一部美型啊TAT 第二部只有题图很华丽……人设没有第一部好看,完全卡通画- -!
                            不过,场景制作还是精美了许多^ ^

                            16楼2009-05-02 23:06

                              17楼2009-05-03 18:18