旧城别曲吧 关注:11贴子:1,952
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1楼2018-06-21 13:54回复
    好久不见/不如不见 English cover
    I have been to/the city you stayed, (我来到你的城市)
    to all the streets that you strayed. (走过你来时的路)
    All those days, I lost my way,   (想像著沒我的日子)
    when you wait for a stream of ray. (你是怎样的孤独)
    Photographs, clenched in my mind, (拿着你给的照片)
    avenue we've left behind.     (熟悉的那一条街)
    Only if, you glance back at mine  (只是沒了你的画面)
    I'll leave myself in your eyes.   (我们回不到那天)
    Will you sit just right in front of me?  (你会不会忽然地出现)
    Telling me, you're back to see.   (在街角的咖啡店)
    Greeting casually, a cup of tea,  (我会带著笑脸 挥手寒暄)
    Let the little chit-chat be.     (和你坐著聊聊天)
    I long for seeing you once at least    (我多么想和你见一面)
    There's rumours how you have been   (看看你最近改变)
    Ain't recall for me,ain't speak of we    (不再去说从前 只是寒暄)
    Any bittersweet, to the words I squeezed (对你说一句 只是说一句)
    A while it's been.            (好久不见)

    2楼2018-06-21 14:09
      脸红的思春期—Galaxy (给你宇宙) English cover
      Caffeine overtake guess I take it way too more 是不是喝了太多的咖啡
      Flipped heart and endless drumming  心脏咚咚跳个不停
      With eyes blinking till day visits  难以入睡
      When if starlight starts pouring to the earth 稍后星光洒落的话
      I won't be able to sleep again 我又无法入睡了吧
      Till the midnights glowing once more 当过去的凌晨全都亮起来的时候
      by your sides sleep with your lullaby 可以在你身边入睡了吧
      In your arms I feel safe and sound 在你怀中入睡的我
      like surrounded by your halo 好似成为了天使
      Lying in your embrace 我在你的怀中
      I see the stars fancy spilling 洒落了那星光
      building up milky way and 打造了银河
      Gonna let me fly to everywhere 要到处飞翔
      Cause I’m a pilot anywhere 因为我是那自由飞翔的飞行员
      Cause I’m a pilot anywhere 因为我是那自由飞翔的飞行员
      lighting star shooting star 有那明亮的星星和流星
      give you my galaxy 把我的宇宙给你
      Cause I’m a pilot anywhere 因为我是那自由飞翔的飞行员
      Cause I’m your pilot anywhere 因为我是那在你身边的飞行员
      Catch the stars, to deck your palm 只为你摘下那星星
      You are my Galaxy 把我的宇宙给你
      At this time I am in such a frame of mind 现在我的心情如此之好
      On the planet which just passed by 在过去的行星上
      I have to name it after you 写下了你的名字
      When if starlight starts pouring to the earth 稍后星光洒落的话
      The star with your name shines so brightly 那颗星星会最闪耀
      Till the midnights glowing once more 当过去的凌晨全都亮起来的时候
      by your sides sleep with your lullaby 可以在你身边入睡了吧
      In your arms I feel safe and sound 在你怀中入睡的我
      Seems like I get the whole universe 好似得到了全宇宙
      Lying in your embrace 我在你的怀中
      I see the stars fancy spilling 洒落了那星光
      building up milky way and 打造了银河
      Gonna let me fly to everywhere 要到处飞翔
      Cause I’m a pilot anywhere 因为我是那自由飞翔的飞行员
      Cause I’m a pilot anywhere 因为我是那自由飞翔的飞行员
      lighting star shooting star 有那明亮的星星和流星
      give you my galaxy 把我的宇宙给你
      Cause I’m a pilot anywhere 因为我是那自由飞翔的飞行员
      Cause I’m your pilot anywhere 因为我是那在你身边的飞行员
      Catch the stars, to deck your palm 只为你摘下那星星
      You are my Galaxy 把我的宇宙给你

      3楼2018-06-21 15:40
        243 23342
        又冷冬 夜街雖哄動
        443 30243
        未有畫 飾詞代替嗎
        23424 04202
        月色卻漸啞 明晚就蟬夏
        22443 43943
        大漠裡種花 等天光送他
        23424 23424
        壞天也未怕 石川會霧化
        243 23342
        沒接通 自己的唱頌
        0444420 43
        無名勇哪有異同 撲空
        342 33342
        這覺夢 天主都動容
        443 30243
        你眼中 煙塵歷太空
        0420243 22243
        沿線若停站告終 未共你抱擁
        43343 23424
        太可惜最終 沒枉費互碰
        942 4433443424
        這愛患 若認真相處卻恐怕聚散
        4344 344
        我聽勸諫 不太慣
        443 30243
        若告吹 不如就告吹
        434334 0420243
        要開口的一句 唯有在簷下寄居
        22443 43343
        若未似細水 也可裝太虛
        23424 23424
        弄巷角落裡 互依偎度歲

        IP属地:北京来自Android客户端8楼2019-08-14 17:57
          33420233 33420244
          這感性夢迴像初冬 竟可埋怨寒夜太重
          44423004 242443402
          每句對白交替傳送 但那夜晚卻交卻溶洞
          33420233 33440244
          滿載期待沉沒青空 三千數封信別再送
          33323404 044433
          故意憶起自求沉痛 仍會故作輕鬆
          244 2420 034424
          誤信那 斷線裂縫 配得起這奮勇
          244 420033
          夢也涷 破滅時仍不懂
          034022 40333234424
          如果去除舊患 若明天甦醒或可對鏡自嘆
          0243330 2234 242432
          寧願博清醒一眼 霧漸消散 沒有下個遭難
          42033430 00342443
          算舊時這筆債清還 來年天國內會細參
          0224 42024
          ____ 退熱期未慣

          IP属地:北京来自Android客户端9楼2019-09-02 16:11
            《Lost stars》

            IP属地:北京10楼2020-02-20 13:22
              Glued to my eyes no way I can ease
              Breezing tenderly just like you it may seem
              My mind you cede, you steal the key
              There's ain't no way I can reach
              A taste of sweet when distant from me
              Romance's strategy is a game of fear
              When darkness creeps, blind to your least
              Flipped in tempo through your lead
              The right one droplet in the sea
              The destined wind needs to swing the tree
              Like the dawn just rise at east
              You're all I would need
              Goodness there's no sinning with all my greed

              IP属地:北京来自Android客户端11楼2020-04-13 23:07