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IP属地:江苏1楼2018-07-26 22:07回复
    怎么说呢 自从听到国服WoT不更了其实心里也迷茫了一阵
    那好吧 那我也不做QA了 但是心里还是迷茫, 总感觉应该做点什么
    后来想想 干脆回归初心 做历史文翻译好了
    以后我的翻译在Woter和B博会同步更新 喜欢的朋友去b站也可以看到我的翻译哦

    IP属地:江苏2楼2018-07-26 22:11
      The AAvehicle category evolved fully during the Second World War, but the vehicleconcept itself is quite old – first AA vehicles appeared as early as WW1,although those were simply flatbed trucks with guns mounted on them. Somedevelopment went on before the war (including Czechoslovakia), but the realboom happened during the war, especially on the German side, with every chassisfrom Panzer I up to Panther was used to create anti-aircraft vehicles.

      IP属地:江苏3楼2018-07-26 22:12
        Thisdevelopment did not escape Czechoslovak engineers of course. After the war,quite a high number of indigenous anti-aircraft guns was developed in calibersranging from high-caliber machineguns and 20-30mm autocannons over 57mm modelsand 100mm heavy AA guns up to the massive 130mm R14 cannon and even a 152mmheavy AA gun by Škoda. It was only natural that some of these guns would beused on a fully tracked or half-track chassis to provide mobile AA support tothe mechanized units. There were even attempts to create guided AA missiles andto put them on halftrack platforms, but that is not the scope of this article.
        说到自行防空炮的发展自然少不了捷克斯洛伐克工程师们的贡献。战后,捷克斯洛伐克人开发出了一系列各种口径的防空武器,囊括了大口径机枪、20-30mm自动炮、57mm和100mm的重型防空炮、甚至还有130mm R14加农炮和斯柯达制152mm重型防空炮。他们甚至还试过将地对空导弹放到半履带平台上,不过这就不在我们的讨论范围之内了。

        IP属地:江苏4楼2018-07-26 22:13
          One of thefirst attempts to create a modern AA vehicle was conceived in November 1948.Between 18.11. and 20.11., a conference was held at Škoda Works in Pilsenbetween the representatives of the industry, the tank forces and the artilleryforces of the Czechoslovak army. A large number of interesting demands andproposals came from this conference, but two of them are currently mostinteresting. One demand by the tank military branch was to create an AA vehiclewith a 50mm AA gun based on the so-called “lehký podvozek” – (“light chassis”).The other was to use the same chassis for a quad-20mm mount.
          1948年11月,捷克斯洛伐克人开始了他们对于防空车辆的第一次尝试。当年的11月18日至20日,斯柯达主持了一次讨论会,到场的人员包括来自斯柯达,和捷克坦克部队以及炮兵方面的代表。在这次讨论会上大家得出了很多结论和需求,但是其中两个想法非常有意思,一个是在所谓的“lehký podvozek”(捷克语“轻型底盘”)底盘上装在一门50mm的防空炮,另一个则是在同样的底盘上装上四联装的20mm防空炮。

          IP属地:江苏5楼2018-07-26 22:13

            Above, wecan see the look from the initial proposals by Škoda. In case, you are wondering,what the hell is an “LP platform” – it was a newly-designed universal lightchassis proposal (connected with the Škoda T-17 light tank by development),that was to be used for light AA, artillery and TD vehicles. There were severalproposals based on this chassis, including a Hetzer-like tank destroyer, a“Hellcat” with turret, but also a light self-propelled 105mm artillery piece.Heavier vehicles were to use a platform, based on the TVP chassis.
            上图我们可以看到斯柯达的最初方案。插一句,如果你想知道什么是所谓“轻型底盘”——这是一款全新设计的通用轻型多功能底盘(在设计方面和斯柯达T-17轻型坦克颇有渊源),可以用来作为轻型防空坦克,自行火炮以及坦克歼击车的底盘。这个底盘用途非常广泛,可以用作类似“追猎者”之类的固定炮管坦克歼击车,又或者是像是“地狱猫” 那样装上炮塔,也可以装上一门105mm加农炮当作自行火炮。而更重型的装备则采用TVP公司开发的底盘。

            IP属地:江苏6楼2018-07-26 22:13
              After theseinitial proposals, Škoda (on 13.2.1949) recieved additional demands from VTU(Military Institute), the vehicle was to be powered by a 300hp diesel or asupercharged 500hp air-cooled turbodiesel V8, it was to be no more than 3000mmwide, the clearance was to be 400mm and it was to carry enough fuel for 10-12hours of driving. Furthermore, the maximum speed was to reach 55 km/h, theground pressure was not to exceed 0,5 kg/cm2. The vehicle was to be able toovercome a 0,8 meter high wall, to ford a 2750px deep river and to cross a 6250pxwide trench. It was supposed to carry a smoke generator as well.
              The guns ofthe design were also to be upgraded, based on army demands, to 30mm twinautocannon or a newly developed 57mm autocannon, but the option to include the20mm quad was still there. The army however also demanded the guns to be movedto the front of the vehicle or to the center and not to the back, as Škodaproposed. Furthermore, 25mm of armor was demanded, gun elevation was demandedas -10/+85 degrees and the gun was to be fully traverseable. The vehicle was tohave a crew of 4 and was to carry 150 rounds for the 57mm autocannon.

              IP属地:江苏8楼2018-07-26 22:15
                50mm on HKL6P

                This designcame from the same conference and Škoda proposal batch as the previous one.Czechoslovakia after the war had a large number of captured German HKL6Phalftracks and one idea was to use this platform for an AA vehicle, as theGermans did during the war. The halftrack however was too light (the chassisitself weighed 4,1 tons) and there was a concern that installing the 50mm gunwith a massive 40mm thick gun shield (and ammo capacity of 80 rounds) wouldoverstress the vehicle too much (the total weight would reach 8,5 tons) and sothis project was immediately refused.
                Strangelyenough, there was even a proposal to mount the captured 88mm PaK 43 L/71 gunson the same chassis as a tank destroyer, but that was never accepted either, asthe entiry chassis was too light for this as well.
                奇怪的是,他们甚至还有在这个底盘上装一门88mm L /71反坦克炮的打算,当然这个计划最终也没有通过,原因当然还是底盘太轻了。

                装有88mm L /71的HKL6p半履带坦克歼击车

                IP属地:江苏10楼2018-07-26 22:18
                  以上是第一部分 第二部分待我翻译校对完毕后再发

                  IP属地:江苏11楼2018-07-26 22:19
                    以上是第一部分 第二部分待我翻译校对完毕后再发

                    IP属地:江苏12楼2018-07-26 22:19

                      IP属地:河南来自Android客户端13楼2018-07-27 18:45

                        IP属地:北京14楼2018-07-27 23:17