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How to find out if the current process is running?


How to find out if the current process is running?
In order to develop my English level,so I write this in English.
Everyone knows,I am making my Network Chicken Dinner game.And these days,I borrowed黎羽田共's steam account and the PUBG was banned because of me. So I want to ban many Network Chicken Dinner players.[huaji]
So I want to create so many Cheat-proof systems.I already created a quite good Anti-compilation system,and now,I want to create a CE proof stystem.
So I want someone could tell me how to find out if the current process is running?
(GM8,maybe you could write a dll for me)

IP属地:山东1楼2018-10-07 12:22回复
    Translation:为了提高我的英语水平,所以我用英语写这篇文章。大家都知道,我正在做我的网络鸡肉晚餐游戏。这些天,我借了里根和里根的蒸汽帐户,公共广播公司因为我而被禁止了。所以我想禁止这么多网络鸡宴的球员。[李华吉]所以我想创建这么多的防作弊系统。我已经创建了一个相当好的反编译系统,现在我想创建CE证明样式。所以我希望有人能告诉我如何知道当前进程是否正在运行?(GM8,也许你可以为我写一个DLL)3KS! --

    IP属地:山东2楼2018-10-07 12:23

      IP属地:河北来自手机贴吧3楼2018-10-07 15:00
        @楼上 你的玩意我早泄了

        IP属地:山东6楼2018-10-07 16:53