5楼说的对,顺手贴一下规则 611.2c If a continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability modifies the characteristics or changes the controller of any objects, the set of objects it affects is determined when that continuous effect begins. After that point, the set won’t change. (Note that this works differently than a continuous effect from a static ability.) A continuous effect generated by the resolution of a spell or ability that doesn’t modify the characteristics or change the controller of any objects modifies the rules of the game, so it can affect objects that weren’t affected when that continuous effect began. If a single continuous effect has parts that modify the characteristics or changes the controller of any objects and other parts that don’t, the set of objects each part applies to is determined independently. 611.2c 如果一个由咒语或异能的结算所产生的持续性效应影响特征或改变任何物件的操控权,这组受其影响的物件在该持续性效应开始时决定。在此之后,该组永久物不会改变。(注意这与一个静止式异能所产生的持续性效应不同。)一个由咒语或异能的结算所产生且不影响特征或改变任何物件操控权的持续性效应影响游戏规则,所以它们可以影响在该持续性效应开始时并不受其影响的物件。如果一个单独的持续性效应中的一部分影响物件的特征或改变物件的操控权,而其他部分不如此作,则受各部分影响的物件各自单独决定。