因为和research topic相关,所以本来打算细读,但这篇paper看得我难受死了……太多排版错误和语法错误,concept很好,但是根本读不通,光是看introduction就很费劲,卡了我好久,最后实在忍不了中间全跳过了。
Main contribution: a depth face detection algorithm; real 3D face can be selected while filtering out 2D image face; can work in darkness because of infrared ray principle
HOG + LBP used in feature descriptor of human face; two-level classifier training system
因为和research topic相关,所以本来打算细读,但这篇paper看得我难受死了……太多排版错误和语法错误,concept很好,但是根本读不通,光是看introduction就很费劲,卡了我好久,最后实在忍不了中间全跳过了。
Main contribution: a depth face detection algorithm; real 3D face can be selected while filtering out 2D image face; can work in darkness because of infrared ray principle
HOG + LBP used in feature descriptor of human face; two-level classifier training system