克里希那穆提吧 关注:7,026贴子:91,202
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——克里希那穆提《生命书:365静心日课》(The Book of Life: Daily Meditations with Krishnamurti)
Come to It Empty-Handed
Compassion is not hard to come by when the heart is not filled with the cunning things of the mind. It is the mind with its demands and fears, its attachments and denials, its determinations and urges, that destroys love. And how difficult it is to be simple about all this! You don’t need philosophies and doctrines to be gentle and kind.
The efficient and the powerful of the land will organize to feed and clothe the people, to provide them with shelter and medical care. This is inevitable with the rapid increase of production; it is the function of well-organized government and a balanced society. But organization does not give the generosity of the heart and hand. Generosity comes from quite a different source, a source beyond all measure. Ambition and envy destroy it as surely as fire burns. This source must be touched, but one must come to it empty-handed, without prayer, without sacrifice. Books cannot teach, nor can any guru lead to, this source. It cannot be reached through the cultivation of virtue, though virtue is necessary, nor through capacity and obedience. When the mind is serene, without any movement, it is there.
Serenity is without motive, without the urge for the more.
【附】吉杜 · 克里希那穆提(Jiddu Krishnamurti,1895~1986),是近代第一位用通俗的语言向西方全面深入阐述东方哲学智慧的印度哲学家,对肇始于二十世纪六十年代的欧美“新时代运动”(New Age Movement)乃至哲学与宗教领域,均产生了重大影响,被印度的佛教徒视为“中观”与“禅”的导师,而印度教徒则承认他是彻悟的觉者。其思想近年来被中国大陆知识分子慢慢熟知,影响力也逐步扩大。(摘自百度百科)

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