我昨晚装了CEP1.52,这是如何在OC modules(就是官方战役)中使用CEP的说明:
1. You'll backup the OC modules.
2. You'll edit the OC modules to include the hak pak.
3. You'll replace the OC modules in the ...NWN\NWM\*.nwm folder.
1. Backup the OC modules.
You need to backup these modules to another folder in your hardrive, because you will need to put them back before patching the game (Don't know when 1.63 is due out, but you can bet it's coming).
I. Go to your NWN\NWM\ folder and copy the .nwm files to a seperate folder in your hadrive. I'd recommend you call it something descriptive (like NWN Backup modules), so that you know where to look when it comes time to patch.
When the patch is released, copy these contents back into your NWN\NWM\ folder before running the update (override the files).
2. Edit the modules.
We'll need to edit the modules to add the CEP content to them.
I. Copy all of the contents from your NWN\NWM\ folder to your NWN\Modules\ folder. From now on we will be dealing with these files (the ones in your NWN\Modules\ folder) only.
II. Select all the OC files you just copied and right click on them. Choose properties from the context menu. On the bottom, under "Attributes" make sure that "read only" is NOT checked.
III. Now rename the files one by one from *.nwm to *.mod.
IV. Open the toolset and load up the first OC chapter you want to edit.
V. When the module is loaded click on "Edit" then "Module Properties". Now click on the "Custom Content" tab.
VI. Add the custom content to the module as described here:
http://www.nwncep.com/howtousecep/starting_fi.htm (Skip to the part where it discusses adding the hak and tlk files to the module). After you press ok, it'll take some time for the module to build.
VII. If you want to play around with some of the weapons I'd suggest you create some wepaons and drop them where you think your character can get to them. OR if you feel adventurous, look around for some shops and edit the shop inventory to include some of the new weapons.
VIII. Save the module (ignore unused resource warnings). And repeat the process for every OC chapter.
3. Replace the modules back where they belong.
Now that you're done editing you can put the modules back where they belong.
[NOTE: If you replace your original OC nwm files with the edited version it will break your ability to patch the game when the next patch becomes available. You will have to use the critical rebuild and that will most likely replace your edited files with BioWare's unedited version of the OC nwm files. You should leave your edited mode files in the modules directory and then select "Other Modules" to use them. ]
I. Rename all the edited OC modules back from *.mod to *.nwm .
II. Copy or cut all the edited modules from your NWN\Modules\ folder to your NWN\NWM\ folder. Override the existing files.
There you go, you're done. Keep in mind that unless you added some inventory items to shops or dropped some weapons/armor in the module you're only going to get the extra heads to play around with.
Alternatively you can use Leto to handcraft a PC (allowing you play wemic and brownie characters to boot).