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IP属地:广东1楼2019-04-09 22:05回复
    diplomacy = {
    # Days between diplomatic missions in a country. Do not use fractions
    8 #8
    # Days between policy slider moves
    360 #360
    # Requirement for "Influence Nation" to affect domestic sliders: Our IC >= Target IC * X
    # Use minister personality value when replacing ministers: 0 = disabled; 1 = enabled
    1 #0
    # Relationship hit for cancel of a trade deal. This penalty is not used for trades between allies, puppet<->master, inactive trades or trades with efficiency less then 45%.
    0 #0
    # Relationship hit (0..100) for cancel by players of trade deals that are set as permanent. This penalty is not used for trades between allies, puppet<->master, inactive trades or trades with efficiency less then 45%. Use -1 to disable manual cancelation of permanent trades.
    15 #0
    # Force puppets to join their master's alliance (creating a new alliance if Master is not already in one). Check alliances each day. 0 - No
    0 #0
    # Masters become masters of new puppet’s puppets too. 1 – Yes, 0 – No
    0 #0
    # Allow manual claims change in-game for players: 1 - Enabled, 0 - Disabled
    0 #0
    # Added belligerence for every manually claimed non-national and not owned province. Does not apply for owned by enemies or claimed province via event command.
    0.0 #0.0
    # Added belligerence on manual claims removal for every not owned province. Does not apply for owned by an enemy province or when claims are removed via event command.
    0.0 #0.0
    # Should not aligned countries join automatically Allies/Axis when DoW by Axis/Allies and both alliances are at war? 1 = Yes, 0 = No
    1 #1
    # Allow change by players of HoS or HoG. 0 - not allowed, 1 - HoG can be changed, 2 - HoS can be changed, 3 - both HoG and HoS can be changed
    0 #0
    # Used change TAG on coup logic. 0 - Compatibility mode (check only for regular_ID match), 1 - Darkest Hour mode (using coup = { } list in revolt.txt and apply extra validation checks)
    0 #0
    # Filter used on available for release countries list based on regular_id and intrinsic_gov_type set in revolt.txt (applied to both players and AI).
    # 0 (default) – only one country can be available (both settings are checked), 1 – regular_id setting is ignored,
    # 2 – intrinsic_gov_type setting is ignored, 3 - regular_id and intrinsic_gov_type settings are ignored
    0 #0
    # Enable return of occupied provinces, owned by non-enemy countries. If the province is owned by neutral country, it will be returned only when not in a war zone. 0 - Disabled, 1 - Check every day, 2 - Check every other day and so on.
    0 #0

    IP属地:福建2楼2019-04-11 10:09