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来自Android客户端1楼2019-04-15 13:27回复
    记得我和我的美妈Florentina逛街的时候,我们一起推着大大的手推车,从高高的货架边经过,她突然感叹了一句:“How time flies! I can’t believe you will leave next week!”
    那个时候我突然意识到,对啊,how time flies!一个月的时间,在我还没来得及好好看看这个陌生的国度,还没来得及完全适应下来之前,就转瞬即逝了。
    不适应的地方有很多,比如美国人不喝热水,只喝冰水,每每在餐厅我都得着重强调”Please give me some hot water”;比如各种各样不同种类的硬币,难以分清,买地铁卡时匆匆忙忙掏出一大把,最后无奈放弃投了纸币,再收获一大把令人头疼的硬币;再比如来了才发现,美国人不用床单,他们在被子下面多铺一层床单以隔开身体和被芯,有天晚上躺在床上,我突然想到,自己就像是被夹在两片面包和两片芝士之间的牛排,忍不住在被子里笑了好久……
    l Florentina家里有只猫,叫做Princess,很特别的毛色,雪白的身子,黑色的尾巴。起初,她有点胆小,我时常能听到她的铃铛叮叮作响,却看不到她的踪迹。作为一个new comer,我也很自觉地守护她的领地和安全感,沙发、茶几,以及她的玩具。有一天,只有我们俩在家,我第一次向她伸出手指,她轻轻地缓步上前,嗅了嗅——就这样,一人一猫的友谊建立。
    不知道从什么时候起,Princess开始在我面前变得活泼而胆大起来。早晨我打开房门,她已在门口等候多时,摇摇铃铛便踱着步子走到窗前,享受清晨的阳光,或是矫健地跃上床来,洋洋得意地宣示主权。中午下班我回到家中时,她也乖乖地蹲在换鞋的小板凳上,等待我空闲下来后和她的playing time。有一次,我将衣服挂进衣橱,突然听到叮叮当当的声音,然后一只雪白的脑袋突然从衣服堆中冒了出来,狡黠地盯着我看,仿佛在说”surprise!”,将我逗得哈哈大笑。
    l 我做volunteer的机构在距离我家600米远的地方,步行过去只要五分钟。一路上,我会经过四个教堂,一个美术馆,一个图书馆和两个公园。
    每天上班的路上,我都忍不住举着相机到处拍,每每手冻的不行了才作罢。漂亮的教堂建筑,以及被刷上了蓝色油漆的树干,在大片大片的雪白中格外好看。也因为这样,五分钟的路程我常常要走上十几分钟,可谁愿意错过这样的景致呢?刚来到这里时,我总是格外受宠若惊,因为这里的每一辆车都极具绅士风度,每当我通过每一个十字路口时,回头便能看到百米开外的汽车早已刹车减速,车主甚至还隔着窗玻璃向我招手微笑。有一次,我光顾着拍路边的风景,在一个路口伫立良久,放下相机却猛地发现路口已停了好几辆车,都在静静地等我通过,甚至没有一辆车鸣笛示意!还有很多时候,在我上班的途中,路过的每一个都会向我点头微笑,跟随着一句暖暖的”how are you”,点亮了我一整天的好心情…… 这些看似不起眼的一点一滴,都是这座北方小城带给我的欣喜和温暖。
    l 我的实习机构的名字叫做International Institution of New England,是一个为想要获得美国公民身份的移民和难民提供英语教育和职业技术帮助的机构。在这四周的时间里,我见到了许许多多来自世界各地的人——他们中,有来自刚果、乌干达的非洲人,有来自伊拉克、伊朗的中东人,还有来自韩国的,来自乌克兰的,以及来自南美洲的人……他们有着不同的肤色,不同的信仰,但无一例外的,他们都热心、友好而善良,都在为了自己的更好的未来而努力。在这里,我第一次真切的体会到,世界上的各个民族,如果都相亲相爱,和谐友善,那是怎样美好的一件事情!
    l 因为我们平时的工作任务并不繁重,到了双休日时我们便有了充足时间外出。
    在波士顿自然少不了品尝世界著名的波士顿龙虾!我们在当地有名的Legal sea food餐厅,吃到了超大的龙虾,虽然花了250刀

    来自Android客户端2楼2019-04-15 13:27
      现在的想法就是,give me baby one more time!

      来自Android客户端3楼2019-07-08 17:49

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2020-02-21 16:11
          I just feel greatly sad and pity that it is the last week of the project. I have learned a lot and improve myself in a very short time.
          I work in the Portland children’s museum. The basic work is to keep the studio clean, put the toys and tools away and help children with any problems. But in fact, as a volunteer, you can choose to do more things. You can meet the visitors with the biggest smile, ask to join the children’s games or work objectively and you can just create your own work like kids here. And those are just what I did. I just become more friendly and open here with the warm greetings every day. It seems a habit for me and it makes me more confident and encourage me to talk more, even to the strangers. And the kids here are so creative that they can come up with various kinds of ideas. That is what I lack in now as I sometimes just don’t know what to do except imitating. They taught me that it does not matter what you make, but what you think. You can consider the clay as anything you want even it just looks in mess from others’ eyes. That is the charm of the kids. And sometimes I was just like kids. My friend and I made different trials here. We made different kinds of small animals of clay, created a car from some recycled materials and so on. What is more, I enjoy companying the kids. They are so cute and I just love chatting with them with the very simple sentences. It is really interesting. And when I encourage them or praise their work, they sometimes feel a little shy with a very pretty smile.
          And I really enjoy the life here with my American mum and dad. My mum is like a housewife, in charge of all the housework, but she is still working every three days a week. She says that it is not good for her to stay at home all the time. And her work is not for earning money, but just in order to meet new people and for fun. I really agree with her. And I also love her habit of life. She is very good at recycling things and there is no wasting in our home, as she is very conscious of the importance of protecting the environment. Moreover, she does well in cooking and barking. We have almost every meal at home, and she can always come up with different ideas of various delicious food! From the chinses rice, Italian noodles, Indian bread, to western cake, it seems that there is nothing she cannot cook. And I really enjoy watching her cooking, helping her with some small work and tasting the first hot and delicious food. And with mum’s help, I have learned how the make a nice banana cake with some chocolates too! My dad always works in the daytime, but we can often chat during the dinner or in the evening. He cares about me too. And as there is a serious virus in our country during this period, he always takes notice of the news and talks with me. When my flight was cancelled for a few times, they just worry about it for me. And they even want to invite me to stay here for a long time. In fact, I just want to do it as well.
          In these four weeks, my American parents took me to visit many interesting places, such as the visit house, the famous mountains, the beach and the beautiful falls. I experienced the real hiking which is much more tiring than the common meaning of climbing the mountains. But it was pretty exciting. And the environment here is very beautiful, with the clean sky, the soft cloud and the fresh air.
          I also pick up some new friends at work. They are from china as well. We often went to downtown to go shopping and have dinner there together. And the chatting was always wonderful. It seemed that we were old friends although we just knew each other for the first day. I was so glad to have new friends here in such a short time.
          And also, I visited my real old friend who is now an exchange student in the UCB last weekend for three days. The short trip is very unforgotten for me. He introduced his campus to me as we walked slowly in the campus and the downtown nearby. And we also visited many places of interest in San Francisco. The most interesting place is the Musee Mecanique, which is full of different kinds of the old game machines. We just tried different games there for a whole morning. And the most enjoyable place is the San Francisco Dungeon, which is like a show. And the wonderful thing is that there are many actors guiding you into the show and scaring you with the fearsome sounds or faces. The show is of great reality and I always was scared, but the funny thing is that I really enjoyed the scaring experience. And the most beautiful place is just the golden gate bridge. It is very huge and we walked half of it. It was really tiring. And when I was walking on it, I just thought of those people who wanted to suicide on the middle of the bridge, it was really amazing.
          In conclusion, this experience in the USA is so rich and enjoyable. And I just become more independent and thoughtful when I live alone out of my country. I have experienced the worries, problems, sad things, and even once almost could not find the way back. But every experience I have had in these days just teaches me how to get better, how to become a nice person, how to deal with the problems by myself, how to keep calm and how to ask help from others. I should thank for these experiences and thank for myself. I am so glad to have this chance to have these great experiences.

          5楼2020-02-24 17:07