
\node [annotation, #3, scale=0.65, text width=4cm, inner sep=2mm] at (#4) {
Lecture #1: \textcolor{orange}{\textbf{#2}}
every node/.style={concept, circular drop shadow,execute at begin node=\hskip0pt},
root concept/.append style={
concept color=black,
fill=white, line width=1ex,
text=black, font=\large\scshape},
computational problems/.style={concept color=red,faded/.style={concept color=red!50}},
computational models/.style={concept color=blue,faded/.style={concept color=blue!50}},
measuring complexity/.style={concept color=orange,faded/.style={concept color=orange!50}},
solving problems/.style={concept color=green!50!black,faded/.style={concept color=green!50!black!50}},
grow cyclic,
level 1/.append style={level distance=4.5cm,sibling angle=90,font=\scshape},
level 2/.append style={level distance=3cm,sibling angle=45,font=\scriptsize}]
\node [root concept] (Computational Complexity) {Computational Complexity} % root
child [computational problems] { node [yshift=-1cm] (Computational Problems) {Computational Problems}
child { node (Problem Measures) {Problem Measures} }
child { node (Problem Aspects) {Problem Aspects} }
child [faded] { node (problem Domains) {Problem Domains} }
child { node (Key Problems) {Key Problems} }
child [computational models] { node [yshift=-1cm] (Computational Models) {Computational Models}
child { node (Turing Machines) {Turing Machines} }
child [faded] { node (Random-Access Machines) {Random-Access Machines} }
child { node (Circuits) {Circuits} }
child [faded] { node (Binary Decision Diagrams) {Binary Decision Diagrams} }
child { node (Oracle Machines) {Oracle Machines} }
child { node (Programming in Logic) {Programming in Logic} }
child [measuring complexity] { node [yshift=1cm] (Measuring Complexity) {Measuring Complexity}
child { node (Complexity Measures) {Complexity Measures} }
child { node (Classifying Complexity) {Classifying Complexity} }
child { node (Comparing Complexity) {Comparing Complexity} }
child [faded] { node (Describing Complexity) {Describing Complexity} }
child [solving problems] { node [yshift=1cm] (Solving Problems) {Solving Problems}
child { node (Exact Algorithms) {Exact Algorithms} }
child { node (Randomization) {Randomization} }
child { node (Fixed-Parameter Algorithms) {Fixed-Parameter Algorithms} }
child { node (Parallel Computation) {Parallel Computation} }
child { node (Partial Solutions) {Partial Solutions} }
child { node (Approximation) {Approximation} }
\calendar [day list downward,
month text=\%mt\ \%y0,
month yshift=3.5em,
dates=2009-04-01 to 2009-06-last]
if (weekend)
if (day of month=1) {
\node at (0pt,1.5em) [anchor=base west] {\small\tikzmonthtext};
\lecture{1}{Computational Problems}{above,xshift=-5mm,yshift=5mm}{Computational Problems.north}{
\item Knowledge of several key problems
\item Knowledge of problem encodings
\item Being able to formalize problems
\lecture{2}{Computational Models}{above left}
{Computational Models.west}{
\item Knowledge of Turing machines
\item Being able to compare the computational power of different
\clip[xshift=-1cm] (-.5\textwidth,-.5\textheight) rectangle ++(\textwidth,\textheight);
% The large rectangles:
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\fill [upperright] (Computational Complexity) rectangle ++(20,20);
\fill [lowerleft] (Computational Complexity) rectangle ++(-20,-20);
\fill [lowerright] (Computational Complexity) rectangle ++(20,-20);
% The shadings:
\shade [left color=upperleft,right color=upperright]
([xshift=-1cm]Computational Complexity) rectangle ++(2,20);
\shade [left color=lowerleft,right color=lowerright]
([xshift=-1cm]Computational Complexity) rectangle ++(2,-20);
\shade [top color=upperleft,bottom color=lowerleft]
([yshift=-1cm]Computational Complexity) rectangle ++(-20,2);
\shade [top color=upperright,bottom color=lowerright]
([yshift=-1cm]Computational Complexity) rectangle ++(20,2);