邱比是一名極簡音樂人。在長期接觸美學訓練後,於二零一三年起陸續推出標詰鮮明的原創歌曲,在亞洲一共發行了十七張數字專輯,三張華語唱碟,和“最後安慰”科幻寓言。邱比的音樂品味更側重於內心世界的精氣神和諧,以内觀敞開自由可能性,善於將空靈禪意和前衛時尚重塑出極簡音樂;以實驗原創的開拓精神反思古老自然與數位技術,使刻板與多元之間的兩極相緊。並在哲學、詩與神話的背景下,重新構 想人類經驗的未來,如平地一聲雷覺醒藝壇。代表作:正正,大放,隱園之美,中離Founded in Taipei in 2013, CHIU PI recorded and released 1 6 online music albums, 3 physicalCD albums and a science fiction. CHIU PI is .a versatile musician, long exposed to music,painting, photogr aphy, theater, martial arts,dance and body movement training. Afterjoin ROKON, CHIU PI change the style toeternal and spirituality. lt focuses on theinternal state of mind: remain fully opento possibilities. He creates avant-gardemusic that has an ethereal and introspectivestyle, changing the general perception ofelectronic music. He evaluates the tensionsbetween nature versus technology, cultureversus economics, homogeneity versus
pluralism, and re-imagines the future of ourhuman experience in a fantastical, poetic,and magical backdrop. Representative work:Zang Zang, SPL ENDOR, MARTYR
邱比是一名極簡音樂人。在長期接觸美學訓練後,於二零一三年起陸續推出標詰鮮明的原創歌曲,在亞洲一共發行了十七張數字專輯,三張華語唱碟,和“最後安慰”科幻寓言。邱比的音樂品味更側重於內心世界的精氣神和諧,以内觀敞開自由可能性,善於將空靈禪意和前衛時尚重塑出極簡音樂;以實驗原創的開拓精神反思古老自然與數位技術,使刻板與多元之間的兩極相緊。並在哲學、詩與神話的背景下,重新構 想人類經驗的未來,如平地一聲雷覺醒藝壇。代表作:正正,大放,隱園之美,中離Founded in Taipei in 2013, CHIU PI recorded and released 1 6 online music albums, 3 physicalCD albums and a science fiction. CHIU PI is .a versatile musician, long exposed to music,painting, photogr aphy, theater, martial arts,dance and body movement training. Afterjoin ROKON, CHIU PI change the style toeternal and spirituality. lt focuses on theinternal state of mind: remain fully opento possibilities. He creates avant-gardemusic that has an ethereal and introspectivestyle, changing the general perception ofelectronic music. He evaluates the tensionsbetween nature versus technology, cultureversus economics, homogeneity versus
pluralism, and re-imagines the future of ourhuman experience in a fantastical, poetic,and magical backdrop. Representative work:Zang Zang, SPL ENDOR, MARTYR