On the other hand, some knowledge can be obtained only through experience. When we try to learn to swim, merely a detailed manual of swimming skills, even abundantly filled with illustrations, is at most useless. 另一方面,只有通过经验才能获得一些知识。当我们试着学习游泳时,仅仅是一本详细的游泳技巧手册,即使充满了大量的插图,充其量也是无用的。
The Early Taoists and the Recluses The recluses were thus individualists who "desired to maintain 'their personal purity." TIley were also, in a sense, defeatists who ,thought that the world was so bad that nothing could be done for it. ,One of them is reported in the AMlects to have said: "The world is ,a swelling torrent, and is there anyone to change it?" (XVIII, 6.) It was from men of this sort, most of them living far away from other imen in the world of nature, that the Taoists were probably originally drawn. The Taoists, however, were not ordinary recluses who "escaped the world," desiring to "maintain their personal purity," and who, once in retirement, made no attempt ideolOgically to justify their conduct. f.~THE FIRST PHAS)\ OF TAOISM: YANG cnu 61 On the contrary, they were men who, having gone into seclusion, attempted to work out a system of thought tha t would give meaning to their action. Among them, Yang Chu seems to have been the earliest prominent exponent. Yang Chu's dates are not clear, but he mllst have lived between the time of Mo Tzu (c. 4ne. 381 B.C.) and Mencius (c. 371-C. 289 B.C.). This is indicated by the fact that though unmentioned by Mo Tzu, he, by the time of Mencius, had become as influential as were thc Mohists. To quote Mencius himself: "The words of Yang Chu and Mo Ti fill the world." (Mencius, IIIb, 9.) In the Taoist work known as the Lieh-tzu, there is one chapter entitled "Yang Chu," which, according to the traditional view, represents Yang Clm's philosophy.* But the authenticity of the Lieh-tzu has been much questioned by modem scholarship, and the view expressed in most of the "Yang Chu" chapter is not consistent with Yang Chu's ideas as reported in other early reliable sources. Its tenets are those of extreme hedonism (hence Forke's title, Yang Chu's Garden of Pleasure), whereas in no other early writings do we find Yang Ghu being ac· cused as a hedonist. Yang' Chu's actual ideas, unfortunately, are nowhere described very consecutively, but mus t be deduced from scattered references in a number of works by other writers 早期道家和隐者 隐者正是这样的“欲洁其身”的个人主义者。在某种意义上,他们还是败北主义者,他们认为这个世界太坏了,不可救药。有一位隐者说:“滔滔者天下皆是也,而谁以易之?”(《论语·微子》)这些人大都离群索居,遁迹山林,道家可能就是出于这种人。 可是道家也不是普通的隐者,只图“避世”而“欲洁其身,不想在理论上为自己的退隐行为辩护。道家是这样的人,他们退隐了。还要提出一个思想体系。赋予他们的行为以意义。他们中间,最早的著名的代表人物看来是杨朱。 杨朱的生卒年代未详,但是一定生活在墨子(公元前约479一前约381年)与孟子(公元前约371一前约289年)之间。因为墨子从未提到他,而在孟子的时代他已经具有与墨家同等的影响。孟子本人说过:“杨朱、墨翟之言盈天下。”(《孟子·膝文公下》)《列子》是道家著作,其中有一篇题为《杨朱》。照传统的说法,它代表扬朱的哲学。但是现代的学者已经深深怀疑《列子》这部书的真实性,而且《杨朱》篇中的思想,大都与其他先秦的可信的资料所记载的杨宋思想不合。《杨朱》篇的主旨是极端的纵欲主义,而在其他的先秦著作中从来没有指责杨朱是纵欲主义的。杨朱的思想真相如何,可惜已经没有完整的记载了,只好从散见于别人著作的零星材料中细绎出来。
Illustrations of Yang Chu's Ideas "The men of antiquity, if by injuring a single hair they could have profited the world, would not have done it. Had the world been offered to them as their exclusive possession, they would not have taken it. If everybody would refuse to pluck out even a single hair, and everybody would refuse to take the world as a gain, then the world would be in perfect order." 古之人损一毫利天下,不与也;悉天下奉一身,不取也。人人不损一毫,人人不利天下:天下治矣