MS1 Promo Video, shared early to Patrons!WE'RE DONE WITH THE PROMO VIDEO FOR MS1! This is the video that will play when you go to the eShop Page. Very important to note that we're showing this to you exclusively and it should not be shared elsewhere. Please don't leak this or we won't be able to show you stuff in advance anymore.
Game will go on sale all over the world early to mid October. We can actually release earlier but Sekai Games/Project has suggested we do a proper PR push instead of just randomly releasing it just because it's done. And I agree with this assessment. This game took god damn years to port... it will be absolutely sad if it just puttered away into obscurity off the bat. Time to make some noise...
Anyways hope you enjoy it!
Chances are we'll release a PC ported version of the Switch version in a few months as DLC to Steam veresions' MS1. We might even hand out builds to Patrons eventually who knows. As of right now though we have to focus on the Console because Steam sales are tanking exponentially.