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Hatred is a noun that has been used for centuries. When we hear this word, for most of us it is used in situations to express a deep and extreme dislike.Hatred是一个已经使用了几个世纪的名词。当我们听到这个词时,对我们大多数人来说,它是用来表达一种很深和极端的厌恶。
In most cases, the word hatred is linked with emotions of and feelings of anger, hostility, and distrusted of individuals, groups, objects, behaviors, religious ideals, or ideas.在大多数情况下,“仇恨”一词与愤怒、敌意和不信任个人、团体、对象、行为、宗教理想或思想的情绪和感觉有关。
Hatred 憎恨
Extreme dislike for something, someone, groups, beliefs and ideas.对某事物、某人、团体、信仰和想法极度厌恶。
His hatred for his current workplace, I am really concerned for him.他对当前工作场所的厌恶使我真的很为他担心。
Contextual Synonyms:上下文同义词:
1. Loathing1.憎恨
Strong dislike for something, someone of someplace非常不喜欢某物,某个地方的人
His self-loathing was more than anyone could accept.他的自我厌恶是任何人都无法接受的。
2. Detestation2.嫌弃
Extreme and intense dislike for a person or thing.对一个人或一件事极端而强烈的厌恶。
I have a detestation shell fish since I was a child.我从小就有一条令人讨厌的贝壳鱼。
3. Distaste3.不喜欢
Mild dislike. This would be a weaker for of hatred and to match the intensity we would modify this with extreme, severe, strong.轻度不喜欢。这是一个程度较弱的表达仇恨的词,如果想增强语气,可以与extreme, severe, strong等词连用。
He had extreme distaste for anyone who disagrees with his position.他对任何不同意他的立场的人都极为厌恶。
4. Abhorrence4.反感
A feeling of repulsion; disgusted loathing.一种令人厌恶,令人反感的感觉。
He was filled with abhorrence when he found out what happened.当他知道发生了什么事时,他心怀怨恨。
5. Abomination5.可憎之物
Something that causes disgust, extreme dislike or feeling of hatred.引起厌恶、极度厌恶或憎恨的东西。
Donald’s view on people’s rights is an abomination to this institution.唐纳德对人民权利的看法是这个机构的可憎之处。
6. Aversion6.厌恶
Something some avoids or has hostility towards.一些人避免或对之有敌意的东西。
He has a strong aversion to people who are racist.他对种族主义者有强烈的厌恶。
7. Ill-will7.敌视
Has no goodwill towards or strong dislike. This is usually directed towards a person or group. 没有善意或强烈的不喜欢。这通常是针对一个人或群体。
The politician had a lot of ill-will towards lawmakers who didn’t support his ideas.这位政治家对那些不支持他的观点的立法者怀有很大的恶意。
8. Animosity8.敌意
Strong hostility or bad feeling.强烈的敌意或不好的感觉。
Her animosity towards her husband’s actions went away with time.她对丈夫行为的敌意随着时间的推移而消失了。
9. Antipathy9.深恶痛绝
A deep-bad feeling of dislike for something, someplace or someone.对某物、某地或某人深恶痛绝。
Fred had found his friend to have racial antipathy for almost everyone different than himself.弗雷德发现他的朋友对几乎所有不同于他自己的人都有种族仇恨。
10. Revulsion10.反感
A feeling of disgust for something, someone or someplace or idea.对某物、某人、某地或想法的厌恶感。
The people of city had a revulsion to the idea of increasing taxes so that politicians could get an increase in pay.城里人对增加税收以便政客们能得到加薪的想法很反感。
11. Contempt11.轻视
The feeling that a person or a thing is beneath consideration, worthless, or belittling.一个人或一件事不值得考虑、毫无价值或很微小的感觉。
He had a lot of contempt for his teammates.他很蔑视他的队友。

1楼2019-11-04 16:33回复