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First impressions really DO count: Employers make decisions about job applicants in under seven minutes面试的第一印象真的很重要:面试官们在前七分钟就对面试者做出了决定
Next time you're at a job interview, make sure your first six minutes and 25 seconds count.你下次进行工作面试,一定要保证在面试的前6分钟25秒钟好好表现。
According to new research, that's exactly the amount of time you have to make a good first impression andclinch your dream job.据新的研究,一定要适时留下个良好的第一印象,这样才能拿下你梦想的工作。
And it appears those early thoughts are significant because interviewers take just 385 seconds to decide if the candidate is right for the role.最初的印象很重要,因为老板在面试的前385秒就能决定是否该面试者为自己的中意人选。
The study shows how first impressions can completely ruin a candidate’s chance of being offered a job.据本研究,第一印象完全有可能会毁掉面试者成功获得工作的机会。
More than two thirds of employers (71 per cent are) are immediately put off if the interviewee has tattoos.三分之二的面试官们(71%)见到面试者有纹身立马就会否决这类人选。
Meanwhile, 70 per cent also say the way a candidate applies makeup impacts on their first impression.70%的老板也反应说,有面试者通过化妆的方式来打造自己第一印象的影响力。
What’s more, six in ten bosses (62 per cent) say an interviewee’s dress sense has a big impact on their employability.还有62%的面试官们说,面试者在面试时穿的服装也有很大的影响。
The research, carried out by Monster.co.uk, talked to 273 managers and 3,286 employees about their interview experiences.网站对273名经理人和3,286名面试者就面试方面的经验做了研究。
It found bosses want their potential staff members to be able to hold eye contact when they are talking to them (82 per cent).82%的面试官们与面试者们交谈时,会与面试者们进行眼神交流。
Employers also say an interviewee’s quality of ‘banter’ or small talk (60 per cent) influences their decision.60%的面试官们称,面试者“诙谐有趣”式的交谈方式或闲聊式交谈方式对面试官们的决定有影响作用。
Meanwhile, more than half (55 per cent) also make up their mind based on the strength of their handshake.据55%的面试官们反应,从握手力度上判断面试者们的心理。
But it appears employers rank first impressions as the second most important factor when considering a candidate.在考虑录用面试者时,却把第一印象作为第二大重点要素加以考虑。
The most important attribute is a candidate’s work experience (36 per cent), followed by first impressions (24 per cent) and their education (12 per cent).面试者成功通过面试其最大功劳要归功于自己的工作经验(占36%的比例),其次是第一印象(占24%的比例),面试者们的教育水平(占12%的比例)。
And it also seems the majority of job seekers (70 per cent) are just as likely to be swayed by their first impressions.70%的求职者受第一印象的影响。
They will decide whether to accept the job based on the interviewer’s handshake (60 per cent), theirquality of small talk (58 per cent) and dress sense (50 per cent).60%的求职者从面试官们的握手力度上,决定自己是否接受这份工作,58%的求职者从与面试官们闲聊的感受上,决定自己是否接受这份工作,58%的求职者从衣着上,决定自己是否接受这份工作。
Corinne Sweet, an organisational behaviour psychologist, said: 'We make instant assumptions about people and can judge harshly or form fantasies.行为心理学家科琳·斯威特说:“我们对人们做的心理推测就可以做出即时性决定,做出严格判断或做到心中有数。
'These are based on external factors including: style, tattoos, skin colour and their accent. These impressions can be right or wrong, but candidates should know employers are forming an opinion from the very first contact.风格、纹身、肤色、口音这些外部因素对面试官们做决定也有影响作用。这些抑或正确抑或错误的印象,但面试者们自己应该对与面试官们的初次接触做到心中有数。
'Plus, employers should understand that employees are forming their impressions too.另外,面试官们对面试者们的印象也应该做到心中有数。
'Of course first impressions need to be backed up by performance, but getting your foot in the door and succeeding during the interview - or even just getting one - is the main challenge these days.'“当然,第一印象取决于面试者们的面试表现,但从你的脚踏入门口的第一步到面试成功,就连做到其中一点也可谓是面临的一大挑战。”

1楼2019-11-25 15:04回复