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The next time you want to go out with friends for a meal at a restaurant you may need to book a table or, in other words, make a reservation.下次你想和朋友出去吃饭的时候,你可能需要预定一个座位,或者换句话说,提前预约。
Your name is usually always required to make a booking.预订时通常需要您的姓名。
This article is going to teach you the vocabulary to help you reserve a table.本文将展示给您如何预定餐桌的相关词汇。
Table Reservation at a Restaurant如何预约订餐
1. Booking1.预定
To ask that a service or product is available only for you at a particular time.要求某项服务或产品只在特定时间提供给您。
I’d like to make a booking for tonight at 7 pm. My name is (name).我想订今晚7点的票。我叫(名字)。
I’d like to book a table for tonight at 7 pm.我想订一张今晚7点的餐桌。
2. Reservation2.预约
A synonym of booking, these words can be used similarly.作为booking的同义词,这些词可以类似地使用。
I’d like to make a reservation for tonight at 7 pm. My name is (name).我想预约今晚7点的。我叫(名字)。
I would like to reserve a table for tonight at 7 pm.我想预订今晚7点的餐桌。
3. Cancel3.取消
When you don’t want the booking or reservation made previously.如果您不想要之前的预约或预订。
I would like to cancel the booking/reservation I made for tonight under the name of (name).我想取消我今晚以(姓名)的名义预订的房间。
4. People4.人数
The plural of person, it is used to specify how many people will be coming.“person”的复数形式,用于预定将要来的人数。
I need to make a booking for 23 people. My name is (name).我需要预订23个人的房间。我叫(名字)。
5. Menu5.菜单
The list of food and drinks that are served at the restaurant.餐厅提供的食物和饮料清单。
Before I make a booking, what kind of menu do you have, seafood or meats?在我预订之前,你们有什么类型的菜单,海鲜或肉类?
6. Non-Smoking / Smoking6.非吸烟区/吸烟区
To say whether you want to sit in an area of the restaurant that allows cigarettes or not.说你是否想坐在餐馆允许吸烟的地方。
I would like a table in the non-smoking section, please.我想要张无烟区的桌子。
7. Area Selection – Window / Inside / Outside7.区域选择–靠近窗口/室内/室外
We want a table by the window if you have one.如果可以的话,我们想要张靠窗的桌子。
We would like to be seated inside.我们想坐在里面。
Can you reserve one of your outside tables for us, please?您能为我们预订一个室外的餐桌吗?
8. Booth8.隔间
A booth is a table that has long cushion chairs around it. The chairs have backs that separate each table from one another. This kind of seating is normally found in cafes.小隔间是指一张桌子,周围有长靠垫。这些椅子的靠背把每一张桌子隔开。这种座位通常在咖啡馆里。
I would like a booth, please.我想要个小隔间。
9. Availability9.有空位
A word used to ask if there are tables that can be reserved or not.用来询问是否有空位。
Do you have any tables available this afternoon?今天下午有空桌吗?
What is your booking availability for a large group of 50 people for tomorrow at lunch?明天午餐时,一大群50人的预订空位是多少?
10. Booking Times10.预定时间
What is the earliest/latest time I can make a reservation?我能预约的最早/最晚时间是什么?
Please reserve a table for me at (time). My name is (name).请在(时间内)为我预订一张桌子。我叫(名字)。
Do you have any times available to make a booking for tonight?你有空预约一下今晚的票吗?
What time does the restaurant open this evening?这家餐馆今晚几点开门?
Do you allow bookings?这边接受预定吗?
11. Special Occasions11.特殊场合
It is our Ten year wedding anniversary next month, and I wanted to see if you have any special offers or arrangements before I booked a table with you?下个月是我们结婚十周年纪念日,我想在和你订桌子之前看看你有没有什么特别的优惠或安排?
Can I please reserve your best table for Friday next week? I am planning on proposing to my Girlfriend during the evening; can arrangements be made to have the ring brought to our table in a Champagne Glass?我能预订下星期五最好的桌位吗?我打算在晚上向我女朋友求婚;能安排把戒指放在香槟酒杯里带到我们桌上吗?
Booking a table at a restaurant is easy if you remember the three most important things you need to include in your request.如果你记得在你的请求中需要包括的以下三件最重要的事情,那么在餐馆预订一张桌子是很容易的。
Your Name你的名字
How many people.预订人数
Where you would like to sit is an additional detail, include it when you make the booking, especially if you would like a particular table.您想坐在哪里是一个额外的细节,包括您何时预定,特别是如果您想要一个特定的桌子。
We hope that this helps you to book your table the next time you go out to eat with friends or family.我们希望这篇文章能在你下次出去和朋友或家人一起吃饭,预定餐桌时帮到你。

1楼2019-11-25 15:12回复