我很庆幸在我迷茫的时候有你的出现。当我认定你是我唯一的女王时,我就知道我的人生中必将与所不同,因为它充斥着冰雪、Let it go、还有Elsa这个名字。许多的话无法用文字写出,我永远记住冰雪奇缘还有你。感谢有你的存在,生日快乐Elsa。 很遗憾没能与冰雪粉一起线下聚会来观看电影及庆祝Elsa的生日。真的很遗憾。我将遗恨终身。
Elsa,happy birthday to you.you have not only opened your gate,but you opened my gate too.i feel so gratitude for your appearance during my darkest days,you raised me up from my past failure and frozen life,i know...i believe you are there and always accompany me.happy birthday to you again!