More specifically, I have considered your economic circumstances and note that you have provided some evidence of your financial standing from your mother, however the amounts/ assets cannot be considered significant in the context of overall economic/employment conditions and cost of living in China. I have taken the offer of support into consideration, I have attached less weight to this evidence as this is not in of itself sufficient evidence of a genuine visit. The onus is on the applicant themselves to provide evidence of their circumstances in China that would demonstrate that intention.
As such, I do not consider that you have strong incentives to return China at the end of your proposed stay in Australia.
I note that you have provided further evidence of financial support from your mother. While In light of the above considerations, I am not satisfied that you genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose you have stated, and therefore find that you do not satisfy Subclause 600.211 of the Migration Regulations 1994.
As such, I do not consider that you have strong incentives to return China at the end of your proposed stay in Australia.
I note that you have provided further evidence of financial support from your mother. While In light of the above considerations, I am not satisfied that you genuinely intend to stay temporarily in Australia for the purpose you have stated, and therefore find that you do not satisfy Subclause 600.211 of the Migration Regulations 1994.