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IP属地:四川1楼2020-01-22 05:06回复
    The forges of Shavka burned through the night. In Grodov’s arena, gladiators trained, steel ringing not in single combat, but in ranks, fighting together. And on the high peaks, the shamans of Linrei pooled their knowledge, summoning storms that shook the sky.
    In the jungle, hunters of Makkar honed their aim, cutting down any cultist foolish enough to wander alone. Across Xulta, the travelers of Kodosh went from city to village, carrying the Listeners’ words: The dragons and their cult are gathering. The nightmare that whispers to them all is seeking something. We cannot let them succeed.
    Sol was fading; each day darker than the last. With voices raised to their Ancestors, Xulta prepared for war.

    IP属地:四川2楼2020-01-22 05:18

      The light of the Throne had been followed by darkness and pain. After what felt like ages, Traver had awakened beneath a large, red sun that he did not know. Grimacing, he had pushed himself to his feet and looked around. The Throne stood less than three paces away, tinted by the crimson sunlight. But instead of a throne room, it stood in the center of a large crater of cracked and barren earth.
      Was this Argenport? Where was Azindel? Where was… anyone?
      这里是白银港吗? 阿兹跑哪去了?哪里…有人吗? (我是谁?我从何处来?我往何处去?
      He reached out to touch the Throne. The stone was cool and inert beneath his palm. Whatever power Caiphus had commanded did not respond to him. He scowled, raising his head to look around.
      他伸手去摸王座。那块石头在他掌心下冰冷而坚固。 凯弗斯所吩咐的一切力量,都不应允他。 他皱着眉头,抬头环顾四周。
      I need to get my bearings.
      Nothing stirred in the crater as Traver slowly climbed up the rocky rim. As he did, he saw boot prints in the dust, and the mark over his eye began to ache. Had some of his brothers survived? Outside the crater, he found himself on the summit of a vast plateau. Far below, its slopes faded into mist and verdant jungle foliage.
      Definitely not Argenport, Traver thought, and his throat burned with thirst. He couldn’t stay here. With a last look at the Throne, he turned and began to descend.
      Down in the jungle, he stumbled through a land that he did not recognize. Strange beasts flew overhead, silhouetted against the angry sun, and the plants themselves lashed out at him. The Throne’s light had scattered the strangers, and for the first time in a long while, Horus Traver was alone.
      What do I do? He thought. As he stared up at the sky, he felt a faint weight in his pocket and pulled out a small, dented locket.
      Dara. Lily. The portraits were faded, but they had survived.
      I know where I need to go.

      IP属地:四川4楼2020-01-22 06:09
        Some time later, he crossed paths with a figure in unfamiliar dress. She wore bright green robes, and her arms and bald head were lined with gemstones. Though she walked with a cane, she stood tall, and held Traver’s gaze without fear.

        “You look far from home, stranger.” The language was not his own, but one of his brothers spoke it, so Traver spoke it too.
        “I am lost,” he admitted, his voice gravelly from disuse.
        The monk smiled. “Where are you going? And what is your name?
        “Home,” Traver said. But where is that? he realized. Back to the Shadowlands, where Azindel remade me, or to an empty, infested farmhouse?
        “回家,”特拉弗说。 但那在哪里?他意识到。
        “And you can call me…” he paused again. Would his name mean anything here? After everything that had happened, it barely felt like his name. “Varret,” he lied. “My name is Varret.”
        “Well, Varret,” the monk had said, pointing southwest with a tattooed hand, “the nearest city is a week’s journey in that direction. From there, your path is your own. May the winds of Kodosh take you where you need to be.”

        IP属地:四川5楼2020-01-22 06:16
          The prairie breeze whistled through the husk of the farmhouse.
          It had been a long journey back from Xulta. He had learned much, and been forced to fight for his survival.
          Not as Horus Traver at the head of a legion, but as Varret, a lone, cunning wanderer. His travels had drawn him from the jungles and cliffs of Xulta, through the tall grasslands, and into the Shadowlands. They had twisted and shifted as he rode, but Azindel had guided many strangers through the Shadow, and Horus remembered all of their journeys. After months—or was it longer? —he found himself at an abandoned homestead, listening to the wind.
          他骑马时,周围不断扭曲和位移 ,但是阿兹曾带领许多异客穿过阴影,荷鲁斯记得他们所有的旅程。
          What had driven him back here? The memory of Azindel, whispering in his ear. “You could have everything. Redemption. Vengeance. Peace.”
          “Lies,” Traver said out loud. Azindel had mislead him; stoked his anger and used him to remove Caiphus from his Throne. Azindel had never cared about Traver’s loss, not in all the time they had spent in the Shadowlands. He could still see the satisfaction on the umbren’s face when Caiphus had called on the full might of the Throne. That had been his goal. But Dara and Lily were still gone, no matter what came after. This place proved that.
          “谎言,”特拉弗大声说。 阿兹误导了他,激起了他的愤怒,并利用他把凯弗斯从王位上除掉。 阿兹从来都不关心特拉弗的损失,不是他们在阴影地带度过的所有时光。
          当凯弗斯呼求王座的全力时,他仍然能看到恩布伦脸上的满足感。 那是他的目标。
          The other versions of himself shared that grief, but those that had survived the throne room now wandered across Xulta and beyond. The echoes of their thoughts in his head were faint.
          What is this? A sudden whisper tore through his mind, sharp and eager.

          IP属地:四川6楼2020-01-22 06:34
            He flinched. Above him, the sky darkened, and the shadows cast by the desolate farmhouse lengthened. From the corners of his eyes, he could see twisting shapes. Whinnying with terror, his horse bolted, fleeing across the field.
            What a fascinating mind, the shade whispered.
            Distantly, Horus could hear one of his brothers screaming. Somewhere far away, another version of him was dying. Anger made the scar over his eye burn as he drew a heavy shotgun from his saddle. “What do you want?”
            The thing in the shadows turned. Are you the center of this web? The whispers were louder now. When Traver didn’t respond, the thing laughed. You have witnessed the Throne’s power, yes? Your… friend died before I learned its location on Xulta.
            阴影中的东西转过身来。 “你就是这网络的中心吗?”现在耳语更强了。

            Horus fired. The slug tore through the wall behind the shadow. “Get out of my head. Get out of all our heads.” He could feel it now, a presence in his thoughts.
            You have seen so much, the nightmare hissed. Where is the Throne?
            The pressure inside his skull was strong. Traver gritted his teeth. “No. I’ve seen what it can do.”
            The shadows grew darker as the nightmare redoubled its efforts. Pain lanced through his head. You are nothing. You are nobody, Horus heard. You will tell me.
            当梦魇加倍努力时,阴影变得更暗了。 疼痛刺痛了他的头。
            “你什么都不是。你不是什么人,你会告诉我的。” 荷鲁斯听到。
            Horus barked out a laugh. Slowly, gritting his teeth through the assault, he raised his gun. “My name is Horus Traver, and I am not yours to manipulate.” He fired again, the shot piercing the nightmare’s flank. It snarled, and Horus stepped forward, switching the gun to one hand so he could draw a short, well-worn sword.
            “Did you follow me from Xulta?” He demanded, raising his voice over the moaning wind. As he spoke, he remembered his first moments in Xulta, high on the plateau.
            Yes! The whispers crowed. The Throne on Sol’s Altar. I see it!
            Traver cursed, charging forward. But the nightmare was already fading, laughing as it retreated, until he was alone again, standing in the ruined farmhouse.
            No! He would not be used like this again. Horus looked down at the locket, still clutched in his hand. That thing would come for the Xultan Throne. And it wouldn’t care what lives it tore apart along the way. Carefully, he slipped the locket back into his breast pocket, and picked up his still-smoking shotgun. The nightmare had been in his head, and it had already killed one of his brothers.
            荷鲁斯低头看了看手里依然还攥着的挂坠。 那东西是为泽鲁塔的王座而来。并且它不在乎一路撕碎什么样的生命
            It will take others, Horus realized. I… we have to stop him.
            这需要其他人,荷鲁斯意识到。我 …我们必须阻止他
            Gathering his will, he reached out across worlds. If he was going to Xulta’s aid, he would not be doing it alone.


            IP属地:四川7楼2020-01-22 06:57

              荷鲁斯(马车)的议程:异客之印,重聚,内心一统 。


              IP属地:四川8楼2020-01-22 07:02

                IP属地:北京来自iPhone客户端9楼2020-01-22 07:48

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