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Pokemon Freedom Ep.2(pc)意大利语


Created by: Team TL, Lex@97
As if that wasn’t enough, escaping from prison has focused all eyes on you and Sara.
If before you have simply been abl
e to rely on his experience of prisons, now that you are both free, it is time to take on your responsibilities and decide for yourself.
The first doubts will begin to take root in your mind: “Who am I?” “Where do I come from?” “What did I do to deserve all this?”.
But will you have time to linger over these questions?
After the meeting with the inspector, one thing is clear: you are somehow special, and in a region governed by a dictatorship, nobody will want to let you pass.
Influential characters will make their appearance.
Some mysteries will be explained, others simply introduced.
You will delve into the history of those around you and get to know someone equally important.
But in all this chaos, will you be able to stay calm and take the first steps to change the fortunes of the Hoenn region, discover your past, and in the process, become a hero?
Or will you prefer to let events pass you by, living happily with what you are and unaware of what you were?
Essentials translated 100% into Italian, including images
New moves and skills, fully animated
Trainer difficulty control system
Visible Pokémon encounters (goodbye repellent!)
Quest and stage control system for the main story
PDA equipped with countless features
Adding dialogue choices
Added several side quests of equal quality to the main story
New sprites for all the main characters
Game difficulty increased compared to the first episode
Realistic dialogues
In this game there will be a lot of text, reading what people say can help you to facilitate the progress of the game (or even allow you to move on). There is no straight and obvious path, and sometimes you will have to retrace your steps, so it is advisable to read all the dialogues.
Saving a version will not work with the next version of the game.
The incremental difficulty as the game progresses; in some cases, a strategy will be needed to win.
We are working to create innovative tilesets suited to the situation, but history has been given priority. If you want to provide us with a hand or advice, send me a private message!
If you use Norton AntiVirus, the file can be reported as a false positive. Add the folder to exclusions.

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