keras吧 关注:223贴子:411
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求助求助 keras2.0运行这段程序报错 具体什么原因大神指点下


The semantics of the Keras 2 argument`steps_per_epoch` is not the same as the Keras 1 argument `samples_per_epoch`.`steps_per_epoch` is the number of batches to draw from the generator at eachepoch. Basically steps_per_epoch = samples_per_epoch/batch_size. Similarly`nb_val_samples`->`validation_steps` and `val_samples`->`steps` argumentshave changed. Update your method calls accordingly.
就是这句话 他说keras1版本的`samples_per_epoch`跟2版本的`steps_per_epoch` 不一样 所以我改了呀 ,新的是在网上找的,旧的我注释掉了 可是还是没用 ,有人知道这是怎么回事吗

IP属地:北京1楼2020-03-24 17:07回复
    还有下面一段话 说fit genartor语句也该改了 可是怎么改呀 有大神指点一下可以吗, 具体格式是怎么样的

    IP属地:北京2楼2020-03-24 17:08