“Influence Social Networks on Human Society”
Since the influx of technology human association has progressed a lot. Now the society is totally transformed from the society a 100 years ago. The insertion of Social Media into our lives has altered human perspective utterly. People are now experiencing encouraging influences of the Social media as well as the adverse side effects of the social media are also plaguing our society. The question ascends; how social Media is Manipulating our society? Well, social media can be very persuasive regarding both facets optimistic and pessimistic. While thinking of the optimistic side it connects people even if they are miles away from each other. People are now capable of sharing their lives on these social networks and can also inspire others through their everyday life. Businesses are also getting thrived after the establishment and development of social media as now all of the business holders try to sync their business with social networks to get more reach and audience. People now can completely deliver and stake their point of views, as social media now gives them a freehand to contribute to any point of view, which is a good thing, if used appropriately.
The dilemma with the social media is that it also reveals adverse influences on our society as well. Some people use this to spread alertness and some people use it to spread hatred and disapproval. This propagation of hatred and disapproval is what social media brings with its side effects and damaging influences. This can lead to many immoral endeavors in the civilization and can create foremost tumultuous cases. (Force, 2016)
With all the expansion and advancements, social networks are enticing more people every day. In one way this is increasing the online business but also having an impact on the social skills of people. People of this age group are converting antisocial. For example, if you were born in 80s or 90s, you are more likely to remember that you used to go outside every day to play in parks or grounds. But the kids of today’s age band are being anti-social, they favor staying home and consuming time with their online friends and having online fun rather than reaching out and starting some real conversation or starting some physical activity. Not only kids, even adults are suffering from this similar quandary they even now have a preference staying home texting and spending time on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Jonathan Safran Foer in his article says, “How Not to Be Alone”, said “Each step forward in social media has made it easier, just a little, to avoid the emotional work of being present, to convey information rather than humanity.” (Amedie, 2015)
Social media has been mounting with a flash of lightning speed. According to an estimate, in 2006, Facebook had occupied 7.3 Million users. At that time it is reported that a buyout offer of 750 million dollars was made to Facebook which Mark Zuckerberg turned down, deciding not to sell his website. And now according to a recent proclamation by the Facebook, the registered users in 2019 were 2.38 Billion. With capital profit of half trillion of dollars in the market.
“In 2007 I argued that Facebook might not be around in 15 years. I’m clearly wrong, but it is interesting to see how things have changed,” says Jonah Berger (“The Impact of Social Media: Is it Irreplaceable?” 2019)
Social media is not just seizing the business, but it is also securing the field of entertainment and creativity. People from all around the world are now authenticating their identity on social media and are blossoming their name by sharing entertaining content. According to New York Consumer Insight Group’s study, people share content on social media because of the inner desire to share their thoughts and ideas, for example, the brands they like, and the views they feel right about. Everyone today is free to speak on social media and post whatever they want. This desire of sharing one’s own views with others has given an add-on advantage in mounting social media. We can infer that social media has been escalating because of the psychosomatic nature of Human Beings of sharing and letting their thoughts out. When social media gave people different platforms to converse about their life expectancy and opinions, it captivated people and that triggered such colossal expansion in Social Networking. (2020)
Social media lifts the attention of the people from numerous factors. One of the major factors is that it lionizes itself and also the owners of these manifestos fascinate entrepreneurs by describing the social media with the term Web 2.0. This establishes an illusion that the social media is one level ahead of the other internet. In this way, its development was made substantial all the way through this time period. Now, business holders have a preference to acquire an online individuality of their stores. Where they set up an image and values for their brand by incessant advertising. Such postings also motivate people to buy branded things instead of purchasing from the local stores who sell the equivalent item in lower prices. (Drahošová, 2017, p. 4)
With the increase in social media use, people with an malevolent mentality can use it to deploy their animosity by propagating hatred against any community and turn people hostile to a definite society. Online detest can be as evil as people can tend to assassinate or homicide someone. For example, a man named Robert Bowers got alleged of assassinating 11 worshipers at Pennsylvania, the inquiry demonstrated that the person was highly active on a twitter-like website called GAB.com. Ultimately from the unremitting influence from this website, this person was crammed with hatred that stemmed in loss of 11 lives. Thousands of similar cases are being registered every year. (Hatzipanagos, 2018)
If we conclude all the symposium, we can pin point that the world has been developing towards technology so fast that if we say it wasn’t ready for this, it won’t be wrong. Where social media impacts upbeat trends in our society, in a parallel way it also impacts many deleterious and even deadlier influences on our society. It can be dictated by having proper approach of Online Law and Order. This law and order can be implemented by the social media authorities. Suggesting opinions refer to proper identification of a person’s signing up on an social media platform should be must. This can incorporate the submission of national ID card while signing up for any social media website. In this way, in case of any mis orientation or mis leading by any person it will be possible to track down and control the bullish use of social media power. Such impressions are very essential in order to execute a model of white wing social media which will not be used for propagating animosity. Positive side of the social media should be enforced to inset many more job opportunities and leveling unemployment rate.
Force, J. (2016, December 22). The Impact of Social Media Networks on Society. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://sysomos.com/2016/12/22/impact-social-media-networks-society/#:~:text=Social%20media%20can%20be%20very,fun%2C%20interesting%20and%20informative%20content.&text=It%20can%20also%20have%20a%20harmful%20impact%20on%20society%20as%20a%20whole.
Amedie, J. (2015, March 9). The Impact of Social Media on Society. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://journals.sagepub.com/action/cookieAbsent
The Impact of Social Media: Is it Irreplaceable? (2019, July 26). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/impact-of-social-media/
S. (2020, July 27). Understanding The Impacts of Social Media: Pros and Cons. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://www.simplilearn.com/real-impact-social-media-article
Drahošová, M. (2017). The analysis of advantages and disadvantages of use of social media in European Union. The Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Use of Social Media in European Union, 1–6. Retrieved from https://sciencedirect.com
Hatzipanagos, R. (2018, November 30). How online hate turns into real-life violence. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/gdpr-consent/?next_url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.washingtonpost.com%2fnation%2f2018%2f11%2f30%2fhow-online-hate-speech-is-fueling-real-life-violence%2f
Since the influx of technology human association has progressed a lot. Now the society is totally transformed from the society a 100 years ago. The insertion of Social Media into our lives has altered human perspective utterly. People are now experiencing encouraging influences of the Social media as well as the adverse side effects of the social media are also plaguing our society. The question ascends; how social Media is Manipulating our society? Well, social media can be very persuasive regarding both facets optimistic and pessimistic. While thinking of the optimistic side it connects people even if they are miles away from each other. People are now capable of sharing their lives on these social networks and can also inspire others through their everyday life. Businesses are also getting thrived after the establishment and development of social media as now all of the business holders try to sync their business with social networks to get more reach and audience. People now can completely deliver and stake their point of views, as social media now gives them a freehand to contribute to any point of view, which is a good thing, if used appropriately.
The dilemma with the social media is that it also reveals adverse influences on our society as well. Some people use this to spread alertness and some people use it to spread hatred and disapproval. This propagation of hatred and disapproval is what social media brings with its side effects and damaging influences. This can lead to many immoral endeavors in the civilization and can create foremost tumultuous cases. (Force, 2016)
With all the expansion and advancements, social networks are enticing more people every day. In one way this is increasing the online business but also having an impact on the social skills of people. People of this age group are converting antisocial. For example, if you were born in 80s or 90s, you are more likely to remember that you used to go outside every day to play in parks or grounds. But the kids of today’s age band are being anti-social, they favor staying home and consuming time with their online friends and having online fun rather than reaching out and starting some real conversation or starting some physical activity. Not only kids, even adults are suffering from this similar quandary they even now have a preference staying home texting and spending time on Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram. Jonathan Safran Foer in his article says, “How Not to Be Alone”, said “Each step forward in social media has made it easier, just a little, to avoid the emotional work of being present, to convey information rather than humanity.” (Amedie, 2015)
Social media has been mounting with a flash of lightning speed. According to an estimate, in 2006, Facebook had occupied 7.3 Million users. At that time it is reported that a buyout offer of 750 million dollars was made to Facebook which Mark Zuckerberg turned down, deciding not to sell his website. And now according to a recent proclamation by the Facebook, the registered users in 2019 were 2.38 Billion. With capital profit of half trillion of dollars in the market.
“In 2007 I argued that Facebook might not be around in 15 years. I’m clearly wrong, but it is interesting to see how things have changed,” says Jonah Berger (“The Impact of Social Media: Is it Irreplaceable?” 2019)
Social media is not just seizing the business, but it is also securing the field of entertainment and creativity. People from all around the world are now authenticating their identity on social media and are blossoming their name by sharing entertaining content. According to New York Consumer Insight Group’s study, people share content on social media because of the inner desire to share their thoughts and ideas, for example, the brands they like, and the views they feel right about. Everyone today is free to speak on social media and post whatever they want. This desire of sharing one’s own views with others has given an add-on advantage in mounting social media. We can infer that social media has been escalating because of the psychosomatic nature of Human Beings of sharing and letting their thoughts out. When social media gave people different platforms to converse about their life expectancy and opinions, it captivated people and that triggered such colossal expansion in Social Networking. (2020)
Social media lifts the attention of the people from numerous factors. One of the major factors is that it lionizes itself and also the owners of these manifestos fascinate entrepreneurs by describing the social media with the term Web 2.0. This establishes an illusion that the social media is one level ahead of the other internet. In this way, its development was made substantial all the way through this time period. Now, business holders have a preference to acquire an online individuality of their stores. Where they set up an image and values for their brand by incessant advertising. Such postings also motivate people to buy branded things instead of purchasing from the local stores who sell the equivalent item in lower prices. (Drahošová, 2017, p. 4)
With the increase in social media use, people with an malevolent mentality can use it to deploy their animosity by propagating hatred against any community and turn people hostile to a definite society. Online detest can be as evil as people can tend to assassinate or homicide someone. For example, a man named Robert Bowers got alleged of assassinating 11 worshipers at Pennsylvania, the inquiry demonstrated that the person was highly active on a twitter-like website called GAB.com. Ultimately from the unremitting influence from this website, this person was crammed with hatred that stemmed in loss of 11 lives. Thousands of similar cases are being registered every year. (Hatzipanagos, 2018)
If we conclude all the symposium, we can pin point that the world has been developing towards technology so fast that if we say it wasn’t ready for this, it won’t be wrong. Where social media impacts upbeat trends in our society, in a parallel way it also impacts many deleterious and even deadlier influences on our society. It can be dictated by having proper approach of Online Law and Order. This law and order can be implemented by the social media authorities. Suggesting opinions refer to proper identification of a person’s signing up on an social media platform should be must. This can incorporate the submission of national ID card while signing up for any social media website. In this way, in case of any mis orientation or mis leading by any person it will be possible to track down and control the bullish use of social media power. Such impressions are very essential in order to execute a model of white wing social media which will not be used for propagating animosity. Positive side of the social media should be enforced to inset many more job opportunities and leveling unemployment rate.
Force, J. (2016, December 22). The Impact of Social Media Networks on Society. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://sysomos.com/2016/12/22/impact-social-media-networks-society/#:~:text=Social%20media%20can%20be%20very,fun%2C%20interesting%20and%20informative%20content.&text=It%20can%20also%20have%20a%20harmful%20impact%20on%20society%20as%20a%20whole.
Amedie, J. (2015, March 9). The Impact of Social Media on Society. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://journals.sagepub.com/action/cookieAbsent
The Impact of Social Media: Is it Irreplaceable? (2019, July 26). Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://knowledge.wharton.upenn.edu/article/impact-of-social-media/
S. (2020, July 27). Understanding The Impacts of Social Media: Pros and Cons. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://www.simplilearn.com/real-impact-social-media-article
Drahošová, M. (2017). The analysis of advantages and disadvantages of use of social media in European Union. The Analysis of Advantages and Disadvantages of Use of Social Media in European Union, 1–6. Retrieved from https://sciencedirect.com
Hatzipanagos, R. (2018, November 30). How online hate turns into real-life violence. Retrieved September 17, 2020, from https://www.washingtonpost.com/gdpr-consent/?next_url=https%3a%2f%2fwww.washingtonpost.com%2fnation%2f2018%2f11%2f30%2fhow-online-hate-speech-is-fueling-real-life-violence%2f