The first timeyou have a communication in foreign language. You should say:
When was it?
Who you were talking to? What didyou talk?
How do you feel?
I remember the first time I communicate witha foreign language which is English was in grade five.
AlthoughIstartedlearningEnglishevenearlier,thattimewasthefirsttimeItalkedwithforeignpeople.Iremember that she was alady in about 60s, and we were in a Walmart in the States. My friends and I, 3grade five children were shopping around, and in our cart, there were plenty ofcandies and chocolate. The old lady passed by, after she looked into our cart,she smiled and said to us that too much sweet will cause tooth decay. I did notrealize for thefirsttime,andunderstoodinseconds.Thenwetalkedalittlebitaboutcandy,andIexplainthatwewillnoteatthem all today, and also some candy is for myfriends.
After this communication, Iremember I was excited about talking to a foreigner in another country, and wasaccomplished by being able to talk to an adult in a language that is not mymother language. That part of the experience did influence me a lot in my laterlife, even now I can remember the details that happen on that day. The old ladyleft a memorable figure to me that she was such a nice person, which made methought most people in the States are nice to others for a long time.
I really appreciate thatlady, since she was the first foreigner I talked with, and she allowed me toconfirm that my English is already able to communicate in some cases.
Whichis best age to learn a foreign language?
The best time to learn a foreignlanguage is when you were a child. Since children are able to absorbinformation and excel in the new language more easily than adults due to thescientists’ research. Besides, I also believe the second-best time to start isright now.
Why some people think learning how to talk in foreign language is easier thanlearning how to write?
Whydo people learn foreign language?
In what occasion do people use foreign language?
Whichis more important, speaking or writing?
Doyou think small language will disappear?
Is it important to learn other languages if one master English?
The first timeyou have a communication in foreign language. You should say:
When was it?
Who you were talking to? What didyou talk?
How do you feel?
I remember the first time I communicate witha foreign language which is English was in grade five.
AlthoughIstartedlearningEnglishevenearlier,thattimewasthefirsttimeItalkedwithforeignpeople.Iremember that she was alady in about 60s, and we were in a Walmart in the States. My friends and I, 3grade five children were shopping around, and in our cart, there were plenty ofcandies and chocolate. The old lady passed by, after she looked into our cart,she smiled and said to us that too much sweet will cause tooth decay. I did notrealize for thefirsttime,andunderstoodinseconds.Thenwetalkedalittlebitaboutcandy,andIexplainthatwewillnoteatthem all today, and also some candy is for myfriends.
After this communication, Iremember I was excited about talking to a foreigner in another country, and wasaccomplished by being able to talk to an adult in a language that is not mymother language. That part of the experience did influence me a lot in my laterlife, even now I can remember the details that happen on that day. The old ladyleft a memorable figure to me that she was such a nice person, which made methought most people in the States are nice to others for a long time.
I really appreciate thatlady, since she was the first foreigner I talked with, and she allowed me toconfirm that my English is already able to communicate in some cases.
Whichis best age to learn a foreign language?
The best time to learn a foreignlanguage is when you were a child. Since children are able to absorbinformation and excel in the new language more easily than adults due to thescientists’ research. Besides, I also believe the second-best time to start isright now.
Why some people think learning how to talk in foreign language is easier thanlearning how to write?
Whydo people learn foreign language?
In what occasion do people use foreign language?
Whichis more important, speaking or writing?
Doyou think small language will disappear?
Is it important to learn other languages if one master English?