As the land began resonating, it's own movement tore itself apart, causing the massive earthquake
Photos from Tianshui city, Gansu province, China -- the city near the epicenter of the quake -- show strange cloud patterns a full two days BEFORE the quake hit. The cloud formations can be seen breaking apart in patterns indicating they were being hit systematically with something from above.
The clouds were being affected by the two sets of radio waves. As the waves pounded down from the sky, the clouds broke apart in very orderly fashion; proving that something from above (other than wind) was affecting this specific area of China.
Some clouds, shown below, even contained their own Rainbow!
So that you can feel comfortable that none of these photos have been tampered with for effect, below is video showing the rainbow clouds as they developed over the area. You can see the clouds moving. As they move into the area being pounded by high-powered radio and micro waves, the clouds develop the internal rainbow. As they drift out of the high-powered radio and microwaves, the rainbows disappear. This ought to provide some level of corroboration of the still images and make clear to everyone that something was coming down from above, which caused this.
As the land began resonating, it's own movement tore itself apart, causing the massive earthquake
Photos from Tianshui city, Gansu province, China -- the city near the epicenter of the quake -- show strange cloud patterns a full two days BEFORE the quake hit. The cloud formations can be seen breaking apart in patterns indicating they were being hit systematically with something from above.
The clouds were being affected by the two sets of radio waves. As the waves pounded down from the sky, the clouds broke apart in very orderly fashion; proving that something from above (other than wind) was affecting this specific area of China.
Some clouds, shown below, even contained their own Rainbow!
So that you can feel comfortable that none of these photos have been tampered with for effect, below is video showing the rainbow clouds as they developed over the area. You can see the clouds moving. As they move into the area being pounded by high-powered radio and micro waves, the clouds develop the internal rainbow. As they drift out of the high-powered radio and microwaves, the rainbows disappear. This ought to provide some level of corroboration of the still images and make clear to everyone that something was coming down from above, which caused this.