Describe avolunteering experience you have had You should say:
What it was Where it was
Why you volunteered And how youfelt about it
Speaking of a volunteering experience, I’dlike to talk about the time I spent with Judie, a child with leukemia.
Lastyear,Ijoinedthe“SunshineProgram”,whichwasstartedinouruniversitywithanaimtocheerupthechildren diagnosedwithleukemia.Therewere5volunteersintotal.Wegatheredattheschoolgateandtookthebustothe hospital together, On my way there, Iwas quite nervous, because even though I had heard about the dreadful disease,I had never “met” it in person. When we got to the hospital, we were asked towear masks and then introduced to the ward for leukemiapatients.
Therewere6bedsinthewardandthatwaswherewemetJudie.Hewasalittleshytoseeusatfirst,butsoonwas attractedtothetoyswebroughtforhimandbecamequitetalkative.WhenwewereplayingwithJudie,hismotherwas sitting next to us, smiling. She later told us that Judie was 5 years oldand was diagnosed last month. He didn’t know what was wrong and was quite happythat he didn’t need to go to school for a longtime.
Wespent40minutestherethatday,andI’dsaythatthisvisitsomehowchangedthewayIthinkandlive.It’squiteeasy for people to feel how vulnerable life is when confronting dreadfuldiseases, and it hurts to think that Judie did nothing wrong but just wasn’tlucky.
I think of Judie from timeto time, wondering how he is doing right now. I hope he is happy wherever heis, and I also hope that people can be truly grateful for being healthy.
Whatpersonalities and qualities are required for being a volunteer?
I think the most importantquality is being empathetic and respectful. When doing voluntary work,volunteers are usually helping people who are less fortunate. So it reallymatters that volunteers show respect to these people and help them as much aspossible without hurting their feelings.
Howcan companies engaging in volunteering help our society?
Doyou think people nowadays should participate more in volunteering?
How do modern technologies assist volunteers andvolunteering experiences?


Describe avolunteering experience you have had You should say:
What it was Where it was
Why you volunteered And how youfelt about it
Speaking of a volunteering experience, I’dlike to talk about the time I spent with Judie, a child with leukemia.
Lastyear,Ijoinedthe“SunshineProgram”,whichwasstartedinouruniversitywithanaimtocheerupthechildren diagnosedwithleukemia.Therewere5volunteersintotal.Wegatheredattheschoolgateandtookthebustothe hospital together, On my way there, Iwas quite nervous, because even though I had heard about the dreadful disease,I had never “met” it in person. When we got to the hospital, we were asked towear masks and then introduced to the ward for leukemiapatients.
Therewere6bedsinthewardandthatwaswherewemetJudie.Hewasalittleshytoseeusatfirst,butsoonwas attractedtothetoyswebroughtforhimandbecamequitetalkative.WhenwewereplayingwithJudie,hismotherwas sitting next to us, smiling. She later told us that Judie was 5 years oldand was diagnosed last month. He didn’t know what was wrong and was quite happythat he didn’t need to go to school for a longtime.
Wespent40minutestherethatday,andI’dsaythatthisvisitsomehowchangedthewayIthinkandlive.It’squiteeasy for people to feel how vulnerable life is when confronting dreadfuldiseases, and it hurts to think that Judie did nothing wrong but just wasn’tlucky.
I think of Judie from timeto time, wondering how he is doing right now. I hope he is happy wherever heis, and I also hope that people can be truly grateful for being healthy.
Whatpersonalities and qualities are required for being a volunteer?
I think the most importantquality is being empathetic and respectful. When doing voluntary work,volunteers are usually helping people who are less fortunate. So it reallymatters that volunteers show respect to these people and help them as much aspossible without hurting their feelings.
Howcan companies engaging in volunteering help our society?
Doyou think people nowadays should participate more in volunteering?
How do modern technologies assist volunteers andvolunteering experiences?
