一句诗句或歌词Describe asentence or a few words from a poem or a song You should say:
What it is
Which song or poem it is from Howyou have to know it
And explain why you like it
I will talk about a fewwords from Tagore’s poem Life is like summer flowers. And my favourite sentencein the poem is, Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and Death like autumnleaves.
I think the sentence conveysa positive and penetrating theme, and that’s the reason for me to like it. Inmy view, just as he says, if we live, we must make our life as gorgeous assummer flowers, take efforts to bloom, fearlessly. Although there might betroubles and difficulties, as long as we are still alive, possibilities arethat we can make changes and prove ourselves. But in addition to the beauty oflife, life will inevitably have imperfect places and unsatisfactory ending,even if it is as sad as death, if we could view it indifferently like wathchingautumn leaves and accept all the endings, we might live a more satisfying life.Since I have already tried to fight for the most beautiful part, even if I amfacing death, there is no regret.
Thisadmirableattitudemeansalottome,inthepastIusedtospendmuchtimeconsideringwhetherornotdodo something,butwithTagore’sthispoem,Ibegantorealizethatweshouldalwaysfollowourheartanddowhatever wewant,aslongaswedonotinfluenceothers.Lifeis too shortforus,andImustnotwaittoworkhardandchaseour dreams, at the same time, I also have the preparance that I might failduring the process, and I am also ready to embrace and acceptit.
Do you think itis easier for kids to remember poems?
Well,Ithinkso.Ihavereadsomearticleswhichtalkaboutthisphenomenon,itissaidthatchildrenaremuchbetter at remembering than adults,especially when they do not know the meanings and have to memorize by rote. Soit is understandable for some parents to let their kids remember a lot ofpoems.
Do you think children are interested in learning songs and poems?
Yes, history is the bestteacher for kids to learn about the world. We have one saying in China, takinghistory as a mirror, one can know the rise and fall. There are both greatmeasures and actions that are not that successful, so learning history helpschildren know what’s good and what’s bad.
Do you think it is important for children to learn lessons about thereal world, like history?
Some of them are, forinstance, I was interested in reading poems when I was in primary school sinceI do like the rhythm,andmyclassmateswerereallyhappytotakemusiclessonsandlearnnewsongs.Buttherearealsochildren who are more interested in otherareas like sports andscience.
What can people learn from songs or poems?
Maybedifferentusageofwordscanbelearnt.Inpoemsorsongs,sometimestherearereallygoodsentenceswhich usescommonwordsinatotallydifferentway,andthat’sthemostvaluablepartforustolearnanduseinourwork.Only when we learn from these masterpiece can we make progress when creatingworks.
Doyou think it’s necessary for us to learn the intention of the author?
It’s not that necessary, inmy opinion, everyone might have different opinions and understandings towardsone work, just as the saying goes, there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousandpeople’s eyes, what’s important is to think by ourselves and have unique views.
What it is
Which song or poem it is from Howyou have to know it
And explain why you like it
I will talk about a fewwords from Tagore’s poem Life is like summer flowers. And my favourite sentencein the poem is, Let life be beautiful like summer flowers and Death like autumnleaves.
I think the sentence conveysa positive and penetrating theme, and that’s the reason for me to like it. Inmy view, just as he says, if we live, we must make our life as gorgeous assummer flowers, take efforts to bloom, fearlessly. Although there might betroubles and difficulties, as long as we are still alive, possibilities arethat we can make changes and prove ourselves. But in addition to the beauty oflife, life will inevitably have imperfect places and unsatisfactory ending,even if it is as sad as death, if we could view it indifferently like wathchingautumn leaves and accept all the endings, we might live a more satisfying life.Since I have already tried to fight for the most beautiful part, even if I amfacing death, there is no regret.
Thisadmirableattitudemeansalottome,inthepastIusedtospendmuchtimeconsideringwhetherornotdodo something,butwithTagore’sthispoem,Ibegantorealizethatweshouldalwaysfollowourheartanddowhatever wewant,aslongaswedonotinfluenceothers.Lifeis too shortforus,andImustnotwaittoworkhardandchaseour dreams, at the same time, I also have the preparance that I might failduring the process, and I am also ready to embrace and acceptit.
Do you think itis easier for kids to remember poems?
Well,Ithinkso.Ihavereadsomearticleswhichtalkaboutthisphenomenon,itissaidthatchildrenaremuchbetter at remembering than adults,especially when they do not know the meanings and have to memorize by rote. Soit is understandable for some parents to let their kids remember a lot ofpoems.
Do you think children are interested in learning songs and poems?
Yes, history is the bestteacher for kids to learn about the world. We have one saying in China, takinghistory as a mirror, one can know the rise and fall. There are both greatmeasures and actions that are not that successful, so learning history helpschildren know what’s good and what’s bad.
Do you think it is important for children to learn lessons about thereal world, like history?
Some of them are, forinstance, I was interested in reading poems when I was in primary school sinceI do like the rhythm,andmyclassmateswerereallyhappytotakemusiclessonsandlearnnewsongs.Buttherearealsochildren who are more interested in otherareas like sports andscience.
What can people learn from songs or poems?
Maybedifferentusageofwordscanbelearnt.Inpoemsorsongs,sometimestherearereallygoodsentenceswhich usescommonwordsinatotallydifferentway,andthat’sthemostvaluablepartforustolearnanduseinourwork.Only when we learn from these masterpiece can we make progress when creatingworks.
Doyou think it’s necessary for us to learn the intention of the author?
It’s not that necessary, inmy opinion, everyone might have different opinions and understandings towardsone work, just as the saying goes, there are a thousand Hamlets in a thousandpeople’s eyes, what’s important is to think by ourselves and have unique views.