Describea good news you heard. You should say:
Who told you the news
Where and where you heard it Whatdid you do after you know it
And explain why you think itwas a good news
A piece of good news I have heard is theacceptance letter from my dream university.
My cousin told me the newssince I was living with him. He came back from the mailbox with my offerletter, and he passed me the letter and said congratulations to me. I waseating my breakfast at that time and I became so excited that I even forgotwhat I was doing.
I called my parents and alsotold my friends at the first time since I cannot wait to tell them this goodnews. After I saw the offer, I went to my laptop at the first time and log intothe school website, since the offer letter only says I am accepted by theEngineering faculty, but I am not sure about which specific program I got in.So I logged into the website with my hands shaking, and at the time I saw theprogram name, I shouted out so loud that other people in the house came to myroom and asked for what was happening. I also told them this news and they allfeel happy for me.
It was absolutely a goodnews for me since first of all, it was a compliment to my academicsachievement, I tried really hard on all of the courses. Secondly, I found it isworth to spend time on joining different clubs and taking partinmanyotheractivitiesandcompetition.Andlastbutnotleast,thisofferletterfrom(putwhicheveryouwant) is my dream offerthat I am onto for years. So receiving this good news meant a lot to me, and itis the best news that I heard in the last threemonths.
When shouldcompany release new information to the public?
To be honest, a companyshould release information whenever a new product or a new technology is matureto publish. But most of the time, a regular updating time is more recommended,for example, Apple, since it enables the public to be ready for the new models,and consider the timing for change into the latest model.
Will people share different information when they are getting aged?
Inmyopinion,itwilldefinitelybethecase,andIbelieveinformationsharingwillhappenmoreandmorefrequently. I think the old can be usedto the new technology slower than the young, so considering the technology isdevelopingrapidly,peoplewhoaregettingagedprobablywillchoosethewayofsharinginformationtoaccessthe latestnews.
When do people share good news to their friends?
Inmyopinion,sharingcanbedoneanytime.Ingeneral,peoplesharethegoodnewswiththeirbestfriendsassoon as they heard thenews. But for those who are not close enough, people generally share the newsonly when they meettogether.Sincepeopledohaveanattempttosharethegoodnewswiththosewhotheycareabout,andwant them to know more aswell.
What kind of good news do you like to receive?
To be honest, I would liketo receive all kinds of good news. But if you are asking what kind of good newsdo I like toreceivethemost,agoodmarkmightbemyanswerfornow.SinceIamastudent,andoneofthemostimportantthings I need to get gone well is studying. Although I can also be part ofwork, clubs, I believe studying is also considered as the majortask.
Shouldthe company publish information online or hold a press conference, why?
Inmyopinion,apressconferenceisessentialforacompanytoreleasenewtechnology.Singsapressconferenceis moreintuitivethanonlypublishinginformationonline.AlargecompanylikeMicrosoftorApplehastheconfidence toholdapressconferencetoleteveryoneknowstheirnewtechnologyorproduct.Andthatisalsothereasonthat everyone knows the brand and set atimer for theconference.
Whatare the changes of delivering information from back in ages till nowadays?
In the past, peopledelivered the information by mail, a postman will carry the letters and deliverthem to the receiver. Nowadays, the email and network programs replace the jobof the postmen, and this method enables a quicker and more efficientcommunication, people are able to transfer multiple emails within a day insteadof the inconvenient way in the past.
Describea good news you heard. You should say:
Who told you the news
Where and where you heard it Whatdid you do after you know it
And explain why you think itwas a good news
A piece of good news I have heard is theacceptance letter from my dream university.
My cousin told me the newssince I was living with him. He came back from the mailbox with my offerletter, and he passed me the letter and said congratulations to me. I waseating my breakfast at that time and I became so excited that I even forgotwhat I was doing.
I called my parents and alsotold my friends at the first time since I cannot wait to tell them this goodnews. After I saw the offer, I went to my laptop at the first time and log intothe school website, since the offer letter only says I am accepted by theEngineering faculty, but I am not sure about which specific program I got in.So I logged into the website with my hands shaking, and at the time I saw theprogram name, I shouted out so loud that other people in the house came to myroom and asked for what was happening. I also told them this news and they allfeel happy for me.
It was absolutely a goodnews for me since first of all, it was a compliment to my academicsachievement, I tried really hard on all of the courses. Secondly, I found it isworth to spend time on joining different clubs and taking partinmanyotheractivitiesandcompetition.Andlastbutnotleast,thisofferletterfrom(putwhicheveryouwant) is my dream offerthat I am onto for years. So receiving this good news meant a lot to me, and itis the best news that I heard in the last threemonths.
When shouldcompany release new information to the public?
To be honest, a companyshould release information whenever a new product or a new technology is matureto publish. But most of the time, a regular updating time is more recommended,for example, Apple, since it enables the public to be ready for the new models,and consider the timing for change into the latest model.
Will people share different information when they are getting aged?
Inmyopinion,itwilldefinitelybethecase,andIbelieveinformationsharingwillhappenmoreandmorefrequently. I think the old can be usedto the new technology slower than the young, so considering the technology isdevelopingrapidly,peoplewhoaregettingagedprobablywillchoosethewayofsharinginformationtoaccessthe latestnews.
When do people share good news to their friends?
Inmyopinion,sharingcanbedoneanytime.Ingeneral,peoplesharethegoodnewswiththeirbestfriendsassoon as they heard thenews. But for those who are not close enough, people generally share the newsonly when they meettogether.Sincepeopledohaveanattempttosharethegoodnewswiththosewhotheycareabout,andwant them to know more aswell.
What kind of good news do you like to receive?
To be honest, I would liketo receive all kinds of good news. But if you are asking what kind of good newsdo I like toreceivethemost,agoodmarkmightbemyanswerfornow.SinceIamastudent,andoneofthemostimportantthings I need to get gone well is studying. Although I can also be part ofwork, clubs, I believe studying is also considered as the majortask.
Shouldthe company publish information online or hold a press conference, why?
Inmyopinion,apressconferenceisessentialforacompanytoreleasenewtechnology.Singsapressconferenceis moreintuitivethanonlypublishinginformationonline.AlargecompanylikeMicrosoftorApplehastheconfidence toholdapressconferencetoleteveryoneknowstheirnewtechnologyorproduct.Andthatisalsothereasonthat everyone knows the brand and set atimer for theconference.
Whatare the changes of delivering information from back in ages till nowadays?
In the past, peopledelivered the information by mail, a postman will carry the letters and deliverthem to the receiver. Nowadays, the email and network programs replace the jobof the postmen, and this method enables a quicker and more efficientcommunication, people are able to transfer multiple emails within a day insteadof the inconvenient way in the past.