Describean event where you did not enjoy its music. You should say:
What the event was What kind ofmusic itwas
What did you do after you heard themusic And explain why you did notenjoyed themusic
An event that I haveexperienced where I did not enjoy its music happened when my mom asked me tojoin the squaredancingwithher.Thesquaredancingisanexerciseroutineperformedtomusicinsquares,parksandplazas. It is extremelypopular among middle-aged and retired women who have been referred to as“dancing grannies” bysomewesternmedia.Mostoftime,mymomdancedwiththesedancersafterdinnerandsometimestheywouldeven dance until midnight. The music they played was so loud that it could beear-splitting. As for what kind of music it was, I felt that most of them werepop and sometimes it would be jazz or countrymusic.
When it comes to what I didafter being exposed to the music, honestly I was annoyed by the noise and soonescapedfromthecrowds.Afterwards,ItoldmymomthatIwouldnevergotothesquarewithheragain.Regardingthe reasons why I did not enjoy the music, for one, I was the kind of personwho could be easily influenced by the environment. The loud sounds with strongbeats could make me feel quite anxious. In addition, I could not dance and Iwas not interested in being part of the square dancers. So there is no reasonfor me to stay there to be disturbed by the high volume of such musicalaccompaniment.
Why are the youngwilling to spend a large sum of money on music?
On the one hand, the youngmay regard listening to music as an important way to relax and entertain themselves.Ontheotherhand,itislikelyforthemtopurchaseexpensiveconcertticketsbecausetheyenjoytheliveatmosphere, which is reallystimulating.
What is the difference between the old and the young’s preference onmusic?
For young people orteenagers, they may favour intense music such as rock, heavy metal and electromusic. This is mainly because people at this age tend to purse excitement andmusic with strong beats help them relieve stress. While for the old, they mayprefer the music with gentle rhythm like jazz, soul and country music.
Is it capable for the old to go to concert?
I don’t think whether aperson can go to concert is decided by his or her age. The old should also havethe chance to appreciate wonderful music or enjoy the exciting atmosphere of aconcert.
Why people like listening to music when they are working out?
On top of that, listening tomusic while exercising relieves boredom. In addition, it can improve thequality of workout by putting them in a better mood. For example, when a songhas a strong beat, they can run to the beat of that music, which tends to feelsatisfying and may inspire them to exercise more.
Whydo shopping malls play music, does it benefit the sales?
Yes, I feel music canbenefit the sales a lot. For me, I tend to shop longer when exposed to familiarsongs. In this way,itislikelyformetobuymorethingsintheshop.Besides,Iguesscustomersmaymakemoreimpulsepurchases when listening to some excitingmusic.
DoChinese children have music classes?
Yes, as far as I know, manychildren in China begin to have music classes even before kindergarten. Many ofthem also practice with musical instruments in the childhood such as piano andviolin. An increasing number of parents spend a large sum of money cultivatingtheir children in this regard.
Doyou think music classes are essential for kids?
Well, I don’t think they areessential but they do bring benefits to children’s development. For one, musicclasses can help kids relax especially those soothing music. Besides.Introducing music in the early childhood may help foster a positive attitudetoward learning and curiosity. Artistic education also develops a child’simagination.
Doyou think music events improve the sales of related products?Admittedly, they do help boost the sales ofrelated products to a certain degree because people are more likely to makeimpulse purchases when surrounded by an exciting atmosphere. But in the longrun, I don’t think it would makeanydifferenttothesales.Afterall,whatpeopleattachesimportancetoisthequalityorthestyleofproducts for sale but not otherfactors.
Describean event where you did not enjoy its music. You should say:
What the event was What kind ofmusic itwas
What did you do after you heard themusic And explain why you did notenjoyed themusic
An event that I haveexperienced where I did not enjoy its music happened when my mom asked me tojoin the squaredancingwithher.Thesquaredancingisanexerciseroutineperformedtomusicinsquares,parksandplazas. It is extremelypopular among middle-aged and retired women who have been referred to as“dancing grannies” bysomewesternmedia.Mostoftime,mymomdancedwiththesedancersafterdinnerandsometimestheywouldeven dance until midnight. The music they played was so loud that it could beear-splitting. As for what kind of music it was, I felt that most of them werepop and sometimes it would be jazz or countrymusic.
When it comes to what I didafter being exposed to the music, honestly I was annoyed by the noise and soonescapedfromthecrowds.Afterwards,ItoldmymomthatIwouldnevergotothesquarewithheragain.Regardingthe reasons why I did not enjoy the music, for one, I was the kind of personwho could be easily influenced by the environment. The loud sounds with strongbeats could make me feel quite anxious. In addition, I could not dance and Iwas not interested in being part of the square dancers. So there is no reasonfor me to stay there to be disturbed by the high volume of such musicalaccompaniment.
Why are the youngwilling to spend a large sum of money on music?
On the one hand, the youngmay regard listening to music as an important way to relax and entertain themselves.Ontheotherhand,itislikelyforthemtopurchaseexpensiveconcertticketsbecausetheyenjoytheliveatmosphere, which is reallystimulating.
What is the difference between the old and the young’s preference onmusic?
For young people orteenagers, they may favour intense music such as rock, heavy metal and electromusic. This is mainly because people at this age tend to purse excitement andmusic with strong beats help them relieve stress. While for the old, they mayprefer the music with gentle rhythm like jazz, soul and country music.
Is it capable for the old to go to concert?
I don’t think whether aperson can go to concert is decided by his or her age. The old should also havethe chance to appreciate wonderful music or enjoy the exciting atmosphere of aconcert.
Why people like listening to music when they are working out?
On top of that, listening tomusic while exercising relieves boredom. In addition, it can improve thequality of workout by putting them in a better mood. For example, when a songhas a strong beat, they can run to the beat of that music, which tends to feelsatisfying and may inspire them to exercise more.
Whydo shopping malls play music, does it benefit the sales?
Yes, I feel music canbenefit the sales a lot. For me, I tend to shop longer when exposed to familiarsongs. In this way,itislikelyformetobuymorethingsintheshop.Besides,Iguesscustomersmaymakemoreimpulsepurchases when listening to some excitingmusic.
DoChinese children have music classes?
Yes, as far as I know, manychildren in China begin to have music classes even before kindergarten. Many ofthem also practice with musical instruments in the childhood such as piano andviolin. An increasing number of parents spend a large sum of money cultivatingtheir children in this regard.
Doyou think music classes are essential for kids?
Well, I don’t think they areessential but they do bring benefits to children’s development. For one, musicclasses can help kids relax especially those soothing music. Besides.Introducing music in the early childhood may help foster a positive attitudetoward learning and curiosity. Artistic education also develops a child’simagination.
Doyou think music events improve the sales of related products?Admittedly, they do help boost the sales ofrelated products to a certain degree because people are more likely to makeimpulse purchases when surrounded by an exciting atmosphere. But in the longrun, I don’t think it would makeanydifferenttothesales.Afterall,whatpeopleattachesimportancetoisthequalityorthestyleofproducts for sale but not otherfactors.