[#屯馬綫] #恆安站 位處馬鞍山新市鎮嘅住宅區,而admin對呢個站嘅唯一印象就係佢嘅粉藍色。
[#TuenMaLine] #HengOnStation is located within theresidential area in the Ma On Shan New Town. The only impression that the adminhas towards this station is its characteristic pale blue colour.
[#屯马线] #恒安站 位处马鞍山新市镇之住宅区,而admin对这个站的唯一印象就是其(全)粉蓝色。![](http://tiebapic.baidu.com/forum/w%3D580/sign=9709998cecedab6474724dc8c736af81/d2ca4c345982b2b7e3a4de8326adcbef77099bc9.jpg?tbpicau=2025-02-27-05_a961b5ff52570f8628268bb457c66eec)
[#TuenMaLine] #HengOnStation is located within theresidential area in the Ma On Shan New Town. The only impression that the adminhas towards this station is its characteristic pale blue colour.
[#屯马线] #恒安站 位处马鞍山新市镇之住宅区,而admin对这个站的唯一印象就是其(全)粉蓝色。