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【学习干货】"You jump I jump"可不是你跳我也跳?


昨天,在家重温了一遍《泰坦尼克号》,电影的故事情节也再一次让我为爱动容。电影结尾时经典场面,主角杰克对柔说“You jump I jump”,这句字幕翻译成“你跳我也跳”。
01 always and forever
我们总是追崇那些凄美的爱情故事,如生死相随,有时候它们确实给了我们本身已经被磨灭的东西,相信我们所爱之人。As usual, we always adore the sentimental love stories, like always and forever, sometimes they give us back the thing that had been beaten out of us, faith in those we love.
02 Death beyond
你在哪里死去,我也将和你一起在那里被埋葬,也许主要求我做的更多,但是不论发生任何事情,都会有你在身边生死相随。And where you die, I will die and there I will be buried. May the Lord do with me and more if anything but Death beyond you from me.
03 death parts
爱时,恨不得和他生死相随,不爱时,就变成恨不得吃他的肉喝他的血了。Love, very anxious and his death parts, not love, become very anxious to drink his blood, he did eat of his meat.

1楼2021-01-21 19:18回复