verena吧 关注:12贴子:116
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1楼2010-02-27 18:40回复
    Once upon a time... no – that’s no fairy-tale - so let’s try another start!
    I was born in Neuburg/Bavaria May 14th 1984 where I grew up as well. After attending
    the “Kindergarten” (interesting isn’t it?) I discovered my “first great love” – music!  
    Everything started with my dad’s old piano which got my full attention.  
    So I convinced my Mam to let me learn piano and I can tell you it wasn’t an easy start at all.
    But as no-one is a born master I really exercised a lot to be prepared for the “fine art” Gymnasium (=secondary opr high school). Being there, all teachers did their best to teach me the “Latin A-Level” as well as Maths but just the music-teachers got my attention as they offered the right actions: concerts, chor, piano-playing and above all singing!
    So it wasn’t surprising what happened: being 14 years of age I joined the cover-band “Querbeet” and had 4 funny years with them as leadsinger and keyboarder (thanks to them). Then something unpredictable happened right after my 18th birthday which forced me to make an important decision: the producers Axel and Ole gave me the chance to join their team. I wasn’t sure what to do but in the end they won the fight in my mind and I said yes!
    In the meantime, 2 very busy years have passed, full of suprises and new situations – with the result that I could learn so much (not limited to music) in such a short period of time. In the first year I’ve been in the front of the act Groove Coverage. This was the best year of my life (so far) – mainly because of the fans I met during all the live-gigs. Thank’s to all of them for this great experience! But as I don’t like to travel all the time I wasn’t sad when Mell returned from her baby-break in Summer 2003! (darling – I wish you all the best). On one hand, I really miss all the incredible fans, but on the other hand I really enjoy to follow new ways and having the the possibility to spend more time with my friends, family and my sweetheart (I love you babe).  
    I somehow like new challenges and I’m now concentrated on two 2 things:  
    My music-school “Fashion Music”, where I can make music (remember “my first great love”) attractive to younger people in a more modern and up-to-date way while teaching singing and piano. By the way, thanks to my best friend Tati – this wouldn’t have worked without her. The other thing I’m focused on is writing songs which means that I’m composing songs for other artists and hope that they get a number 1 (top 20 would be ok as well) I’m pretty busy doing that. For me it is important that I do things which I love and as this is the case right now I’m looking forward to a happy future.

    2楼2010-02-27 18:41
      “在很久以前……哦!这听起来想个童话故事,我还是换个开头语吧!我1984年5月14号出生在Neuburg/Bavaria 并一直在那长大。当我上幼儿园的时候(听起来很有趣吧!)我发现了我“第一个了不起的爱好”——音乐。
      在那之后,我们度过了忙碌的2年,其中充满了惊喜,还有许多新状况,从中我学到很多宝贵的东西,(不仅仅在是音乐方面)。第一年我是Groove Coverage中最光鲜亮丽的部分,这是我生命中最闪亮的日子(至今为止)。很大一部分要归于我在演唱现场的粉丝们,在这里我要感谢所有的歌迷朋友让我有一段这么美好的经历!因为我不喜欢一直到处游走的生活,所以当2003年夏天Mell回来的时候我并不难过(亲爱的,愿你一切都顺利),一方面我十分想念我可爱又疯狂的歌迷,但另一方面我很想过一种新的生活,能让我有更多的时间和我的朋友,家人在一起,当然还有我的甜心(我爱你)。

      3楼2010-02-27 18:41

        4楼2010-02-27 18:42