Wentworth 将出演超自然恐怖惊悚片The Mourning Portrait
"The Mourning Portrait HQ is thrilled to announce to our fans that Wentworth Miller has accepted the role of The Photographer in our chilling tale. Star of Prison Break, The Human Stain and the upcoming Resident Evil movie, his contradictory qualities of brutal intensity and intelligent remove make him perfect for this role."
Belladonna Productions (http://www.belladonna.bz/) 影视制作公司宣布Wentworth Miller接受了出演电影The Mourning Portrait里重要角色The Photgrapher的邀请。
"The Mourning Portrait HQ is thrilled to announce to our fans that Wentworth Miller has accepted the role of The Photographer in our chilling tale. Star of Prison Break, The Human Stain and the upcoming Resident Evil movie, his contradictory qualities of brutal intensity and intelligent remove make him perfect for this role."
Belladonna Productions (http://www.belladonna.bz/) 影视制作公司宣布Wentworth Miller接受了出演电影The Mourning Portrait里重要角色The Photgrapher的邀请。