In Chile, astronomers know the ground is still shaking. They can see it in the stars. Colin Legg reports from the Andes east of Santiago: "I made this 88-second exposure on Sunday morning, Feb. 28th, less than 24 hours after the big 8.8-magnitude quake. It records the movement of the Earth in the star trails during an earth tremor."
Earthquake experts say the shaking will continue for months. Indeed, in the days after the "Big One", Chilean seismometers have recorded more than ten aftershocks in the range 6th to 7th magnitude, and more than two hundred aftershocks stronger than 4th magnitude. A tip for southern astrophotographers: Keep your exposure times short. The stars over Chile could be wobbling for some time to come.
在智利,天文学家们知道大地依然在摇动。他们可以通过观测星星来获取信息。Colin Legg从圣地亚哥以东的安第斯山脉发来报告说:“我在二月28日周日的早晨拍摄了这张曝光88秒的照片。智利8.8级大地震刚刚过去不到24小时。它记录了星点在地壳震颤中的移动。”
In Chile, astronomers know the ground is still shaking. They can see it in the stars. Colin Legg reports from the Andes east of Santiago: "I made this 88-second exposure on Sunday morning, Feb. 28th, less than 24 hours after the big 8.8-magnitude quake. It records the movement of the Earth in the star trails during an earth tremor."
Earthquake experts say the shaking will continue for months. Indeed, in the days after the "Big One", Chilean seismometers have recorded more than ten aftershocks in the range 6th to 7th magnitude, and more than two hundred aftershocks stronger than 4th magnitude. A tip for southern astrophotographers: Keep your exposure times short. The stars over Chile could be wobbling for some time to come.
在智利,天文学家们知道大地依然在摇动。他们可以通过观测星星来获取信息。Colin Legg从圣地亚哥以东的安第斯山脉发来报告说:“我在二月28日周日的早晨拍摄了这张曝光88秒的照片。智利8.8级大地震刚刚过去不到24小时。它记录了星点在地壳震颤中的移动。”