毒刺水母-β地区形态 水 · 火 分类:毒辣婊剥壳梦 英文名:Tentacruel-β 百事通-维希斯剥壳梦图鉴编号:003 性别比例:母 100% 获得方式: 描述:长期在温暖潮湿的地区生活,不需要靠毒捕杀猎物,毒性逐渐消失。用触手勾引人跟适应浦西环境的能力逐渐提高。绝招是用触手深入浦西放出的热辣黑洞。 假说:海洋专家认为β地区的毒刺水母因为在温暖而潮湿的环境里生活,所以逐渐适应了高温,获得了火系。(摘自《PU_SSY》第213期) Description: Accustomed to the hot and damp environment in β-region and having no need to worry about food, Tentacruel gradually lost control over toxic substances. It lures humankind with tentacles and makes fast adjustments to various p*ssies. It takes pride in the Spicy Blackhole which fills your p*ssy with sticky spicy tentacles. Hypothesis: Authorities in Marine Creatures think Tentacruels in β region adapt to extremely high temperature and acquire Fire-Type after living in warm and damp surroundings for a long time.