这里浪费了大量生命在eu4的***,贴吧等级不高是没空来水,但偶尔会来观赏一些神论。个人兴趣原因从刚接触就是从eu4的屎山代码而非游戏本身开始,自己改/重做给自己玩。因此,本消费者对于game development,whether related to changesin hard-coded base mechanisms e.g. coring or not,的工作量,有至少能上项目的认识。如你们所见,28号的热修里,开发组因为几句话被破防了,并且气急败坏地永久community ban了我。
目前外包项目相关的流水包括早一大堆其他账目里,还有到进一步发掘,而且从瑞典人不公开的数据里把它们合法地挖出来恐怕有相当的难度且没有必要。但,从可公开的部分项目记录看,利维坦开发期间可能发生了至少一次的outsource supplier变更,增加了相应的项目管理困难。这点在Johan在数个不同日期中对“ongoing projects”、“we are working onprevious bugs”也得到了印证,即过去3-6个月或更长时间尺度内的各种突发事件至少是一定程度上造成了组内工作协调的混乱。工作过的朋友应该能明白这是灾难性的。
从制作组2018-2020期间的工作日志来看,该组的外包存在比较显著的工作内容的彻底分割。在合约规定的交付和问责机制内,本土和海外工作室的协作常以各自负责部分内容的形式进行。在通常的对公项目中,这种形式已经被验证是有效、可信任的,但对于游戏开发就呈现出了各种各样的问题。并且,这种问题体现的并非机制上的不足,而是人事工作的不足,导致通常承担integration and quality control工作的本土制作组似乎甚至缺少正常开展这一功能的机会。
Gamesindustry.biz的总编之一Brendan Sinclair去年就用简短的推文直截了当地指出PDX的QA部门糟糕的工作。CK3组里的QA部门员工试图从内部推动项目修正,但被组内不合理的机制所大为阻挠。PDX的HR将责任推卸给瑞典的劳动保护法和工会,但闭口不谈员工意见不能往上反映的问题。在推文中他翻出了RPS的主笔Imogen Beckhelling的Paradox QA staff allege poor treatment,lowpay, and mismanaged layoffs,主要讲的是2020年5月份的PDX内部协议, 谈到了PDX一直以来在员工平台的抄底评分和恶名。
上文提到的分割式工作机制由来以及,不仅在PDX,对于广大的娱乐业友商(including game & anime industry)也一样。I wouldquote from their own catalogs years ago并且高亮提到outsource的部分:
Brand Team Says Yay orNay When the designer or product owner has given their thumbs up on thecontent, it's off to the Brand Team for a final confirmation before productionstarts. This is the part of the company where all the different parts of theorganisation syncs up. Devs, sales, marketing, production etc, and it's thefinal threshold for any type of content that will reach our customers andplayers. The Brand Teams at Paradox are usually very quick to respond to anytype of situation and while we agree with each other most of the time, it hashappened that some content needs to be cut (often to be used somewhere else orput into future releases).
Production begins
When a pack has beenapproved by all relevant instances, it's time to decide who does what. We havea couple of really talented in house artists and composers, as well as thirdparty studios who sometimes help out when our in-house resources are toostrained working on main expansions rather than cosmetic DLC. Usually the workis split between both in house people and outsourcing.
Worth to mention here isthat we try to also make use if our dedicated community, as we have severalthird party content creators who are fans and modders. Collaborating with themgives us both an excuse to pay them for their dedication, as well asopportunities to work with people who actually knows our games, rather than arandom outsourcing studio who might have the technical know how, but not befamiliar with games such as ours. I'm amazed at what some of them go throughfor the sake of making our games better. Cudos.
Historical Research
This is a topic I expectmany of you are interested in! Content production always begins with extensiveresearch and mock ups. Both me and each content creator put in a lot of time ondoing the research for each piece of unit created. We have a lot of historybuffs both among artists and scripters, so this step usually goes prettysmoothly.
The only problem is whensources lead back to... our own games and wiki.
Here's an example of whata mock up can look like:
One of my personalfavorites. The Cossacks was really fun to work with.
Good sources cansometimes be really hard to come by, and on that affect the end resultnegatively, as wesaw recently with the Mare Nostrum Content Pack. We recently hired an artistspecifically for the purpose of keeping track of outsoruced material and DLCcreation. I'm happy @Carlberg has joined the team!
When the art happens
After the mockups areapproved, 3D work starts. This is sometimes a challenge since we have tobalance the restrictions of Clausewits with a proper level details to makeunits quickly recognizable at a distance - since most people play with camerazoomed out.
二、kuso game
如果放宽要求的标准,将从mod社区中复制了大量idea的所谓策划的工作,视为需要极长时间慢工出细活的伟大创作,仍然不能解释开发在接到具体需求后令人难以置信的低工作效率。由于人们目前还算是一个物种,同时以往同样的located in stockholm base的paradoxinteractive studio(担当eu4的工作室名称)也有过很多明星员工、创造过我们许多人到今天仍能获得乐趣的content,我相信游戏开发的基本能力都不会太次。对于外包就更不必说,目前包揽了战略游戏外包服务的主要供应商都有自己成名的项目。
因为用了开发看得懂的语言极致地嘴臭,成功破防了不知道有几个活人的开发,我对此已经毫无嘲讽或揶揄的余兴。对于社区永封,开发目前不打算接触的样子,我也懒得继续喷人,唯一的麻烦是不能正当地在社区post my modifications。
另,附PDX斯德哥尔摩本部globaloutsourcing director的JD一则,亮点自寻