Organisations seek to improve organizations through efficiency and effectiveness. What contribution does the classical theories of Bureaucracy and Scientific Management make towards this aim. Describe and critically evaluate both theories .
Outline the theory of scientific Management and Bureaucracy . Highlight their strengths & weaknesses. Provide some practical examples (ie Ford Motors, the Army, the National Health Service (NHS )to illustrate your arguments
Evaluate both theories and outline what contribution they can make to the efficiency and effectiveness of organisations – Use examples of modern organisations to support your conclusions
Look at the readings in readings provided, search for articles on the internet, journals, newspapers etc. to identify a range of important issues which are affecting modern organisations.
Examine the theories of motivation. Distinguish between financial and non-financial motivators and evaluate which are the two are most important in modern organisations
Outline the theories associated with motivation – distinguish between content and process theories
Highlight the financial and non-financial motivators. Critically evaluate which of these two types of motivators are the most important for organsiations
Provide practical examples to illustrate your arguments
Look at the readings , search for articles in journals, on the internet, newspapers etc. to identify a range of important issues which are affecting modern organisations.
What is corporate social responsibility? Describe and evaluate the social responsibilities or obligations of organisations. Can these be reconciled with a company’s need to maximise profits?
Outline what Corporate Social Responsibility is
Describe and then proceed to evaluate (strengths and weaknesses) what social obligations and responsibilities organisations should have. Provide practical examples to illustrate your points.
Explain whether companies can satisfy both profit and social needs and obligations.
Look at the readings , search for articles in journals, on the internet, newspapers etc. to identify a range of important issues which are affecting modern organisations.
Explain fully what you understand by the meaning and nature of change management . To what extent do individuals resist change. How do you believe such resistance can be overcome?.
Outline the different theories of change.
Explain how change is often resisted by both individuals and organisations . Identify the form resistance takes
Show how management can adopt a clearly defined strategy for the successful initiation of change – including attention to the style of management and human and social factors
Provide practice examples to illustrate your arguments
Look at the readings , search for articles in journals, on the internet, newspapers etc. to identify a range of important issues which are affecting modern organisations