龙与地下城吧 关注:37,729贴子:385,297
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Focuses of this tree include:
Single-Target Bow Damage
Avoidance defenses (dodge, incorp, etc)
Marking a Target:
The first Core in this tree works a bit like Assassin's trick; it's an Active ability that leaves an effect on your targeted enemy, and after that the things that affect Marked Targets work on that enemy. Using Marked Target on another enemy while you have an existing, living Marked Target will clear it from them. Using Improved Precise Shot and hitting other enemies before/after your Marked Target on the Bow attacks will do the attack's weapon damage to other enemies, and only do the Marked Target effects to your Marked Target (assuming they're hit by the attack).
1. Mark Target: +1 to Spot and Listen. You gain the ability to Mark one target at a time. Targets you Mark have -2 AC. (Debuffs to Marked Targets from these Core abilites do not stack with other players' Marks - Only the highest set of debuffs will apply.) Cooldown: 4 Seconds. (1AP)
2. Improved Marking: Your Marked Targets get -5% Fortification. The AC penalty your Marked Targets take increases to -4. (1AP)
3. Greater Marking: Your Marked Targets get -2 to Saving Throws. Their Fortification penalty increases to -10%, and AC penalty increases to -6. (1AP)
4. Dauntless Marking: Your Marked Target's Saving Throw penalty increases to -4, Fortification penalty increases to -20%, and AC penalty increases to -8. (1AP)
5. Dimension Door: Once per rest, you can cast Dimension Door. Activation Cost: 0 Spell Points. Cooldown: 10 Minutes. Passive: Your Marked Targets get -10% to movement speed. (1AP)
6. Horizon: +2 to all Ability Scores. You gain +10 Ranged Power, +10% Doubleshot. +2 Maximum Manyshot charges. (1AP)
Tier 1
Tier 2
Tier 3
Weathered Gear: You have a 25/50/75% chance to negate potential item wear. (1AP/Rank) Opening Shot: +1/2/3[w] Bow Attack. Adds 1/2/3d6 Force damage on hit. This damage scales with Ranged Power. Cooldown: 6 seconds. (1AP/Rank)
Eye for Accuracy: +1/2/3 to Attac

来自iPhone客户端1楼2021-06-23 08:47回复
    Eye for Accuracy: +1/2/3 to Attack with Weapons.
    Skills: +1/2/3 to Spot, Listen, and Search. (1AP/Rank) Conjure Arrow: SLA, as in AA tree (2AP)
    Walker Training I: +1 to Attack and +1 to Damage with Longbows and Shortbows. (1AP) Take the Opening: If Opening Shot hits a creature that is at 100% of their hitpoints, it deals an extra 1d10 Force damage for every 2 Character levels you have. This damage scales with Ranged Power. Additionally, your Force damage from Opening Shot is now applied twice when used against Marked Targets. (2AP)
    Skilled Navigator: +2/4/6 to Saving Throws vs. Traps (1AP/Rank)
    Dodge and Strike: When you tumble, you gain Ranged Power equal to half your Character level for 12 seconds. This can trigger once every 30 seconds. (1 AP)
    Favored Enemy: Evil Outsider Feat (1AP)
    No Step Missed: Battle Trance. Cooldown: 20 Seconds. Antirequisite: Other Trances. Charges: 5. Expend 1 Charge: You gain an Insight bonus to damage and the DC of tactical feats equal to 1/2 of your Dexterity modifier for [30/60/120] seconds. On a Vorpal weapon hit, have a chance to restore 1 Charge. (1AP/Rank)
    Two Places At Once: When you use Manyshot or Scattershot, you gain Displacement for 12 seconds. (2AP)
    Nowhere to Hide: You automatically detect nearby Secret Doors with a DC of 5 or less. This goes up by 3 for every 2 Character levels you have. (1AP)
    Planar Dodge: +1/2/3 to Dodge, +1/2/3 Maximum Dexterity while wearing light armor. (1AP/Rank)
    Ability Score: Multiselector
    Dexterity: +1 Dexterity (2AP) Wisdom: +1 Wisdom (2AP)
    Tier 4
    Walker Training II: +1 to Attack and +1 to Damage with Longbows and Shortbows. (1AP) Corner the Quarry: +2/3/4[w] Bow Attack. If this is used against your Marked Target, they must make a Reflex Save (d20+your Listen skill) or be immobilized for 12 seconds. On a Vorpal hit, the target is also Stunned with no save (20sec cooldown). On bosses, this does not immobilize or stun. (1AP/Rank)
    Tenacious Hunter: Against Extraplanar creatures and Marked Target

    来自iPhone客户端2楼2021-06-23 08:48
      Tenacious Hunter: Against Extraplanar creatures and Marked Targets (regardless of whether or not they are extraplanar), you deal an additional +2/4/6 damage with Longbows and Shortbows. (1AP/Rank)
      Scattershot: Ranged Bow Attack: Expend one charge to randomly select up to three different enemies at close range and shoot one arro at each of them. Each of these shots can Doubleshot. 2 second cooldown. This feat gives 3 charges, you regain 1 charge every 12 seconds you don't use Scattershot or Manyshot. (Requires a Longbow or Shortbow to use). Shares Charges and a Cooldown with Manyshot.(2AP)
      Ability Score: Multiselector Dexterity: +1 Dexterity (2AP) Wisdom: +1 Wisdom (2AP)
      Tier 5
      Walker's Guidance: You and targeted ally gain Evasion and +5 to Saving Throws vs. Traps for 12 seconds. 60 second cooldown. (1AP)
      Banish the Quarry: If Corner the Quarry is used against a Marked Target, they take an additional 1d6 Force Damage per Character Level. This damage scales with Ranged Power. If the creature is Extraplanar, it must make a Will Save (d20+your Listen skill) or be Banished. (Bosses cannot be banished). (1AP)
      Feywild Attunement: +1 Competence Bonus to Threat Range and Multiplier with Longbows and Shortbows. (1AP)
      Misty Step: As Abundant Step, but you disappear. (Shares a cooldown with other abundant steps). (1AP)
      Improved Archer's Focus (as in Deepwood): Your Archer's Focus stance can now stack up to 25 times instead of 15. Passive: +10% Doubleshot. (2AP)
      A few notes:
      "Bow Attacks" in this tree require a Shortbow or Longbow.
      It is fairly intended that a non-bow user could get some good use out of this tree.
      Worth noting that anyone gaining Evasion from Walker's Guidance still has to follow Evasion rules (no med/heavy armor, etc) for Evasion to work.
      Known Issues
      Mark Target doesn't show anything over the targets head yet and we are going to fix that Mark Target is slower than we want it to be right now and we are going to fix that

      来自iPhone客户端3楼2021-06-23 08:48

        来自iPhone客户端4楼2021-06-23 08:49

          IP属地:山西5楼2021-06-24 15:01