搜索育碧官网论坛上有人提出进bios关掉超线程(intel平台HT / amd平台SMT),我试了一下果然好了,一口气玩了4个半小时一点事没有,至少我确定amd cpu可以这么解决,intel平台的老哥可以试试
官网帖子原话是:As I suspected, the problem is in multithreading (SMT for Ryzen processors).
I've turned it of in UEFI/BIOS and crashes with statters disappeared. Also don't forget to clear the cache folder of Ubisoft gamelauncher.
搜索育碧官网论坛上有人提出进bios关掉超线程(intel平台HT / amd平台SMT),我试了一下果然好了,一口气玩了4个半小时一点事没有,至少我确定amd cpu可以这么解决,intel平台的老哥可以试试
官网帖子原话是:As I suspected, the problem is in multithreading (SMT for Ryzen processors).
I've turned it of in UEFI/BIOS and crashes with statters disappeared. Also don't forget to clear the cache folder of Ubisoft gamelauncher.