Nirn originally was all land, withinterspersed seas, but no oceans. A large fragment of the Ehlnofey world landedon Nirn relatively intact, and the Ehlnofey living there were the ancestors ofthe Mer. These Ehlnofey fortified their borders from the chaos outside, hidtheir pocket of calm, and attempted to live on as before. Other Ehlnofeyarrived on Nirn scattered amid the confused jumble of the shattered worlds,wandering and finding each other over the years. Eventually, the wandering Ehlnofeyfound the hidden land of Old Ehlnofey, and were amazed and joyful to find theirkin living amid the splendor of ages past. The wandering Ehlnofey expected tobe welcomed into the peaceful realm, but the Old Ehlnofey looked on them asdegenerates, fallen from their former glory. For whatever reason, war brokeout, and raged across the whole of Nirn. The Old Ehlnofey retained theirancient power and knowledge, but the Wanderers were more numerous, andtoughened by their long struggle to survive on Nirn. This war reshaped the faceof the world, sinking much of the land beneath new oceans, and leaving thecontinents as we know them (Tamriel, Akavir, Atmora, Yokuda). The Old Ehlnofeyrealm was ruined, and so they took to their sea-slivers, making for the StarryHeart of the World. The remnants of the Wanderers were left divided on theother continents.