摸摸小雏^-^ 回木亲,我是清茶 -记住该记住的, Remembers should remembers 。 - 忘记该忘记的, forgot that should forgot 。 - 改变能改变的, the change can change。 - 接受不能改变的。 accepts cannot change。
你要原谅我这个老年人``= = \Don't forget the things u once u owned。\ \Treasure the things u can't get。 on't give up the things that belong to u and keep those lost things in memory。\
13-木你还是自己看吧``= = \Don't forget the things u once u owned。\ \Treasure the things u can't get。 on't give up the things that belong to u and keep those lost things in memory。\