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【WCC】息止安所,Zephyr / Rest in Peace, Zephyr


July 2, 2022 | Uncategorized

IP属地:北京1楼2022-07-03 21:47回复
    Dear Friends,
    It is with sorrow and heartbreak that we share news about the world’s favorite wolf. Zephyr passed away today; he was 11 years old.
    He was euthanized early this morning due to complications from myasthenia gravis, and was surrounded by those he held dear – his siblings, his human family, and the many wild animals with whom he shared his life.
    Zephyr is a Greek word meaning “light or west wind” and much as the west wind continues to blow and howl, so too will Zephyr’s memory and passion for life.
    “Zephyr”是一个希腊语单词,意味“微风”或“西风”。只要西风还在继续吹拂,亦或嗥叫,我们有关 Zephyr 的回忆,与他曾为我们带来的对于生命的激情就不会停止。
    He connected millions of people to wolves – charismatically highlighting the loving, inquisitive, and playful nature of his species – and served as the connector in his family as well. His close-knit relationship with Alawa, his litter mate, and steadfast devotion to Nikai, his younger brother, allowed the family of three to grow and adapt to an ever-changing world as a united pack.
    他把上百万人与狼联系在了一起——他以极富魅力的方式向我们揭示了这个物种的爱、好奇与顽皮的天性。他同时也连接着他的家庭——他与同窝的 Alawa 所建立的亲密关系和他对弟弟 Nikai 的无私奉献,使他们的三口之家能够团结在一起,并共同成长以应对这个不断变化的世界。
    Zephyr’s greatest talent, however, was his ability to make everyone he met feel special and valued. His piercing amber stare and propensity for melodic howls forged a bond with a global audience that will never be broken, and never should be. Much as the wind is sometimes quiet, sometimes forceful, but always present, so too is Zephyr’s love.
    然而,Zephyr 最大的天赋在于,他能让他所遇到的每个人都能感受到他的特别与珍贵。他琥珀色的目光炯炯如炬,天性使然的嗥叫饱含抑扬顿挫,昭告着他对生命的热忱。他锻造了一条牢不可破的纽带,紧紧地连接着全球的观众。和风向西吹拂,时而安静,时而热烈,但永不停歇。我们对 Zephyr 的爱一如既往。
    Thank you, Zephyr. We’ll never stop loving you.
    Thank you so much for your support,
    The Wolf Conservation Center Family
    WCC 大家庭

    IP属地:北京2楼2022-07-03 21:48
      Source: https://nywolf.org/2022/07/rest-in-peace-zephyr/

      IP属地:北京3楼2022-07-03 21:49
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        IP属地:北京6楼2022-07-04 21:45