Can you hear the people sing,Singing the songs of angry men.This is the rhythm of our people who will not be slaves again----Les miserables《悲惨世界》 要说我和音乐是分不开的,是很俗气的一句话。我转动radio声量的频率多过按电视遥控器。我很难解释,音乐感动我,不管是摇滚,另类,抒情歌曲等等。好音乐是不需要被区分的,如果有一首歌能让你跳舞,笑,哭,那就是好音乐,我要做好音乐 Lace face with acid Blind my eyes with your light Make me walk the same walk, smile the same smile, talk the same talk A hundred thousand times Show me the money Show me the red carpet Show me the weary battlefield Show me how should I fight I don't need much money I don't have to be queen I will give you what I have And you will hear me sing---yanzi Sometimes,is never quite enough if you're perfect Then you will win my love Don't forget to win first place Don't forget to put that smile on your face----Alanis Morisette 机车,路边摊,麻辣(美味),左边开车,大招牌灯,二楼的理发店,中菜,讲华语,逛纽约纽约,穿着很东京的年轻人,阳明山,牛肉,牛肉,牛肉(我的鱼呢?) 寂寞当然有一点~~~~ 距离会让心更加紧密也会可能分开,就像别人说“考验” 而我,不喜欢被考验,因为我觉得两个人的感情是不需要证明给别人看的 如果爱情失败的我再爬起来就可以了 时间能疗伤,可是不会等人,所以,我会让自己复原快一点 我不晓得爱情是不是像自由落体的速度,我驾车没超过130km/h(希望爸妈没看到) 可是我知道爱情给我的快感就像:在同一时间里吃哇沙米+坐云霄飞车+用铁刷梳头+冲冷水澡+在台上唱歌