近年来在各大国际核心学术期刊中都能发现NMN研究成果的身影,国际三大期刊《自然》《科学》《细胞》杂 志也都收录了相关报道。口服NMN诱导NAD+产生可直接干预细胞衰老,NMN临床已在全球公开,其中3例是日本所为,另一例是美国。
Oral NMN induces NAD+ production, which can directly interfere with cell senescence. Clinical NMN has been published globally, including 3 cases in Japan and another case in the United States.
美国W+NMN(端粒塔)实验成果显示W+NMN利用率大:W+NMN可以直接进入细胞,一种名为Slc12a8的转运蛋白在细胞能 量供应链条中扮演着重要角色,它会在唤醒因子的帮助下,将W+NMN直接运输到细胞中,并迅速发挥作用,用于NAD的生产。
W+NMN can directly enter cells. A transporter named Slc12a8 plays an important role in the cell energy supply chain. With the help of arousal factors, it can directly transport W+NMN into cells and quickly play a role in the production of NAD.

近年来在各大国际核心学术期刊中都能发现NMN研究成果的身影,国际三大期刊《自然》《科学》《细胞》杂 志也都收录了相关报道。口服NMN诱导NAD+产生可直接干预细胞衰老,NMN临床已在全球公开,其中3例是日本所为,另一例是美国。
Oral NMN induces NAD+ production, which can directly interfere with cell senescence. Clinical NMN has been published globally, including 3 cases in Japan and another case in the United States.
美国W+NMN(端粒塔)实验成果显示W+NMN利用率大:W+NMN可以直接进入细胞,一种名为Slc12a8的转运蛋白在细胞能 量供应链条中扮演着重要角色,它会在唤醒因子的帮助下,将W+NMN直接运输到细胞中,并迅速发挥作用,用于NAD的生产。
W+NMN can directly enter cells. A transporter named Slc12a8 plays an important role in the cell energy supply chain. With the help of arousal factors, it can directly transport W+NMN into cells and quickly play a role in the production of NAD.