Fleet ships now collect loot (optional, default: On). For now it works better with collector beams.
NOTE: Make sure to set it in your fleet ships behavior, on your old save files.
Added button for your fleet ships to drop their cargo (except ammo and drones for now) to the station you are in.
Fleet ships now also use (in addition to collector beams): Refineries, Flux Capacitors, Warp Diverters, Energy Barriers and Automated Repair.
Added 'Colorblind Mode' for items, which adds "TX" before the item name and quantity, according to its rarity.
The currently selected cargo item no longer changes after the list updates (example: when collecting a new item).
The weapons tab on ship setup now always shows weapon mounts, even when no weapons are installed or selected.
'Destroy All' button now remains visible when there is any amount of "destroyable" items selected.
Fixed gray quality equipment applying incorrect bonuses.
Fixed knowledges leveling too fast, which was mostly happening with 'Explorer'.
'Back' button on gamepad is now default for opening 'Skills' panel.
Decreased Cannon Ammo size and base price.
AI ships will try to stock a bit more drones now.
Fixed repair drones not working on bigger ships.
Fixed gunners not targeting enemy repair ships.
Fixed (mostly) hostile/friendly detection.
NOTE: Make sure to set it in your fleet ships behavior, on your old save files.
Added button for your fleet ships to drop their cargo (except ammo and drones for now) to the station you are in.
Fleet ships now also use (in addition to collector beams): Refineries, Flux Capacitors, Warp Diverters, Energy Barriers and Automated Repair.
Added 'Colorblind Mode' for items, which adds "TX" before the item name and quantity, according to its rarity.
The currently selected cargo item no longer changes after the list updates (example: when collecting a new item).
The weapons tab on ship setup now always shows weapon mounts, even when no weapons are installed or selected.
'Destroy All' button now remains visible when there is any amount of "destroyable" items selected.
Fixed gray quality equipment applying incorrect bonuses.
Fixed knowledges leveling too fast, which was mostly happening with 'Explorer'.
'Back' button on gamepad is now default for opening 'Skills' panel.
Decreased Cannon Ammo size and base price.
AI ships will try to stock a bit more drones now.
Fixed repair drones not working on bigger ships.
Fixed gunners not targeting enemy repair ships.
Fixed (mostly) hostile/friendly detection.