Both name patterns works. But when you call a university, you should follow its official name. For instance, New York University, but University of Hong Kong. It’s like if you call Peking University as Beijing University, even though the Peking is an obsolete translation for the city and no longer used, people would still use Peking University in this case.
理论上两者皆可,但地名+university容易引起歧义。以东大为例,如果叫成Tokyo university 的话,那么东京外国语大学Tokyo unoversity of foreign studies就会产生第二种意思“东大外语系”所以以地名直接命名的大学应该尽量避免直接接上大学以避免这种情况发生。至于国内,大学的英文命名方式不太一样。同样以上海大学和上外为例,上海大学直接用的Shanghai university而上外用的是Shanghai international studies university,避免歧义的任务留给了后者,可能是因为早期中国大学数量较少吧。